Monday, June 14, 2004

Other thoughts

I saw an ad for pepsi edge (I think). Low Carb Pepsi. That's just sick and wrong. I am so done with the whole low carb thing. Give it up already, the guy died of heart disease isn't that enough of a red flag?

My gyno is leaving the clinic I usually go to, where my regular doctor is located. Since I don't particularlay like her, this isn't a huge deal to me. But it did get me wondering. Will she send out a change of clinic card like hair dressers do? Now I have to choose from the other 3 the clinic offers. We have young Asian lady, older man, and possible lesbian. For some reason, when the clinic sent me the info cards, each of the people lists their hobbies/interests. I don't really care about that info. All I really want to know is will they cause me pain (last one I didn't like did) and will they actually give a damn about whatever issues I have, as opposed to the "Let's wait until you decide to have kids to discuss whatever is wrong." The nice thing is that now I get a new doctor without feeling a tiny bit guilty about leaving the old one. (I know I know... there's no reason to feel guilt... I didn't like her I shouldn't suffer through bad care blah blah blah, but I'm neurotic. We know this). Ah well, I don't actually have to DO anything for like 6 or so more months... I'll deal then.


Peeved Michelle said...

What guy died of heart disease? Dr. Atkins died from a head injury.

Peeved Michelle said...

I say go with the possible lesbian. There never was a person more interested in coochies than a lesbian and that is a good quality to have in a coochie doctor.