Sunday, June 27, 2004

Trash Nazi

We have this old lady who lives in the building. She is the self-appointed trash nazi. She is always leaving signs about appropriate recycling and trash can use. Today there's a sign downstairs about not leaving lids on plastic bottles. 1st they aren't called lids when they're on plastic bottles. 2nd where does it say that in the recycling instructions we all received from the city. It doesn't. She is also frequently redistributing the trash and going through the bins. It is gross and annoying.


TIMMY! said...

I bet she doesn't have any cats to keep her busy. Old people need cats, especially older women...otherwise they will find something to do like the Recycle Trash Nazi

Joanne said...

That's what I say! I fear the growing old thing because I will either end up like trash nazi (and how wrong is it that I wanted to write her a note back) or with 40 cats. Michelle's got my back though... She'll kill me after cat #4. Little does she know she'll inherit all my beauties (which is what I shall call them all). :)

Peeved Michelle said...

I'll kill them, too. You know I am allergic.

TIMMY! said...


TIMMY! said...

okay...I use to have a hard time keeping up with your blog so what happened? You get arrested for killing the Nazi lady or what?