Saturday, October 30, 2004

Fucking hate CUJO!

The dog who lives across the hall. At 1 fucking 30 this morning s/he (I don't actually know anything about cujo across the hall. I've never seen it.) started barking. At some time after 2:30, Cujo started barking again. At 4:15 the people in the apartment building next to mine were standing on the balcony chatting. Loudly. While smoking. Some smoke blowing into my somewhat open window. I hate them too. I'm too light a sleeper to be a city dweller. I've gotten completely used to the sirens and cars. Now it is dogs and people. Sigh.

I had a good time volunteering at the Pacific Science Center. They had us rotating from the different centers so that was fun. We weren't stuck at any one station the whole time. I've thought about becoming one of their regular volunteers, but they want a 4 hr commitment once a week. That's always kind of held me back because that means either my Saturday or Sunday. I'm thinking about it again, but will probably ultimately decide against it.

Darigold milk scares me. It has like a month long expiration window. If I were to go in and buy a carton, it would probably have a December date on it. The quart I have in the fridge now is good until 10/31. I know I haven't bought milk in like a month, but it is still good. How is that possible? I still buy it, because hell, I have a month to use it. I never use a pint of milk in a month.

1 comment:

Peeved Michelle said...

When we buy organic milk, it is a mix of dry milk and regular milk, so it has a super long expiration date. You should see if it says something on the carton.