Monday, October 25, 2004

Stupid or optimistic?

That is the question... you know how sometimes you do something that you're pretty sure you don't like but you try it again anyway? Is that stupid, or optimistic. I prefer optimistic, but you know, that's because I'm the one doing these things. :)

2 examples:
1 - Last week I made a roast beef. I love roast beef. I used to love roast beef sandwiches, but no more. Of course there is way too much meat for 1 girl to eat (hee) so I end up with leftovers. About the last 3 - 4 times I've made roast beef I've tried to make the leftover into beef fried rice. It is never good, yet like the dim wit I can be, I keep making it hoping this time it will be better. Something about the way the spices on the meat when I cook it and the spices I use for beef fried rice that don't meld well together. But, did I eat it for dinner that night and for both days I brought it for lunch at work. Of course... because I am turning into my father. That's the only explanation.

2 - Over the weekend, V & I went shopping. We both needed new headphones. I bought a new pair of behind the head type. The ones that came with my MP3 player were behind the head type. I hated them. They were always getting caught on things like my hood, and the collar on my shirt and sometimes just my neck and my hair would get tangled in them (the little baby ones that hurt). Did I think about this when I bought them, well briefly, but then I discarded the thought. Why? Optimism? (Or stupidity). I thought these new ones would be better. They are not. Really I have to just figure if I don't like something there is a reason for that.

1 comment:

Peeved Michelle said...

Why don't you cut the roast beef up when you get home from the store and then freeze the extra portions of it?