Friday, August 04, 2006

What do they have??

This is unkind, I'll admit, but do you ever find yourself talking to someone and they are going on and on about how they got hit on here and there and blah blah blah and your first thought is, really? You got hit on by these hot guys? Are you serious? I've been feeling that recently. Now I'm fully aware that hot is relative, (I have somewhat unique tastes myself so I get that difference) but honestly, I keep looking at the people who are saying this to me and thinking that we've been to some of the same places and I have a hard time believing you are that much hotter than me. (Ok actually, I have a hard time believing hotter than me at all) I do not like that feeling. I also do not like the one I have been having lately where I look at a couple and think ok... she's got a man who isn't unattractive, what am I doing wrong? It will pass, it always does...

Also I watched Queer Eye for the Straight Guy last night. I bawled my fool head off. The straight guy was actually a transgendered female to male person. The party they did at the end was his sort of coming out and he went to see his friends from high school and college now that he was living fully as a man. I really liked that the queer eye guys asked him the questions I kind of always wanted to know about. Whenever I'd ask someone who knew transgendered persons that person would always make me feel kind of dumb for asking, so I liked that I got some answers. Like they asked him how he had felt his whole life and to hear it from the person's mouth made it more real to me I suppose. They also asked him how his family was and how his mom felt having had this beautiful little baby girl who now is a boy. That's one I always wonder about, because I know that you're supposed to love your kids no matter what and accept everything about them and who they are but inside I can kind of understand the loss or the frustration or the heartbreak that happens when your kids don't turn out exactly how you hoped they would. And the best part about the question is he answered it honestly, that she was upset and confused at first and she accepts him but that she still sometimes struggles with it. And I liked that answer because it was very honest. It is a bit of a change. But they were really great parents and at the boat thing he got offered an internship with a transgendered non-profit that talks to students about trans issues. And his parents got an award for being so accepting and understanding and all that. The guys also had him take his regular shirts off so you could see the garment he uses to strap the boobies down. It really looks like a tight tank top, although I suspect it is even tighter than it looks once on. Eventually he's going to go in to get the top taken out and the guys made a joke about taking them away from him and giving them to someone who needs boobies. :) It was a good episode.

1 comment:

DD said...

I bet the TG male wishes that more people would just out and out ask him the details instead of whispering or pointing behind his back. But some poeple are just too embarrassed by themselves, but excuse it as they don't want to embarrass the person of interest.

Humans are such funny creatures. It probably also explains why some people really think they exude "hotness".