Today I have the day off thanks to Veterans. Thanks Veterans! I had physical therapy for the great tendon problem earlier in the day. It's just going to take time blahblahblah. I go back again in 2 weeks. Sigh.
But on happy news I bought new shoes! Yay new shoes! They're just plain and oxfordy and I like that about them. There was another pair that was too small that I liked that had more frou frouness but I think these will be good for my purposes. (Work and well looking nice on my feet at work.) :) I've needed a new work pair of shoes since the weather has started getting cold and I can't wear my cute little black ones.

My feet in new shoes!
Yay for new shoes!
Would those be Danskos???
Why yes they would be. :) Part of my whole do good things for my crappy feet program.
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