Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Not for the faint of heart (ie don't read this one Matty)

I burned my hand on the toaster oven at home yesterday. I hadn't really realized how badly I burned it until today. I didn't do any of the right things I usually do like run it under cold water because I really thought I moved fast enough to not have burned it. I didn't move fast enough. There is a distinct line across my left hand/thumb area just below the joint. That's not the gross part. The gross part... it's blistered and there's fluid.


Peeved Michelle said...


Unknown said...

1) Burns aren't so bad; blood makes me pass out.
2) Always, always, always treat burns!

SJ said...

I burned myself on the oven last year. Now I have 2 burn scars on my forearm. Thay actually look really cool...