Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Hysterical... just hysterical

Ok maybe it is only hysterical to me, but I don't think I've laughed as hard as I did today at lunch in a long time.

I was eating lunch today with the cult of the virgins. There are only boy virgins in the cult these days since Isa's roommate doesn't join us anymore. Anyway Harry Potter has been seeing this girl and the Italian Guy questioned him how things were going which prompted a discussion of how far HP & girl have gone. Which then somehow melded into a convo between HP & I about things like one night stands and sex with out the a regular relationship. Harry P & I talk about his theories a little bit. He doesn't want to be controlled by the more base urges and he thinks he is above all of that. I said I wasn't discounting his beliefs, but once he actually has sex he may feel different but that I can respect that he doesn't want to be led around by Little Harry Potter. He looked at me dead on and said "How did you know that?" And then he got really red and embarrassed and started to laugh at what he just shared with me and so I started to laugh and neither of us could stop it. And neither of us could even look at each other because every time we did we just laughed harder. And neither of us could explain to the other 3 at the table what was going on. We were dying.

I went to see the doctor that I was finally referred to today. He was really nice and I liked him. He asked me a bunch of lifestyle questions. He did a bunch of checking and I really got the sense he knew what he was talking about. He did not boot me (as Matthew seems positive will happen) although he did offer me one if I wanted to do it. He says wear that for 6 weeks it may help. I am going to try 3 other things first. He gave me a night splint to wear (which looks like a boot without the traction on the bottom actually). He suggested accupuncture and suggested I up my Aleve dosage. I'm hesitent about the boot for many reasons. There's no guarantee that 6 weeks will be it. And I really think the size and weight will make my commute to & from work more difficult. I'll give it more time and see. The very exciting, though, about this appointment is that I'm released to hit the elliptical trainer again. I'm heading back to the gym next Monday morning! :) (Of course I'm still not allowed to hill climb so I'm heading back to the gym next Monday morning via bus, but whatever).


Peeved Michelle said...

1. It cracks me up the there is a group of people for whom you are the authority on sex.
2. I thought you went to the gym at work and were still walking to work these days.

... said...

I am glad you found someone that is giving you some options with your tendon. That is awesome.

Getting back to the gym will make you feel a ton better, I need to get more motivated.

Unknown said...

You are getting the boot.

I'm with PM; it cracks me up, too, that you are an authority on sex for anyone.

Joanne said...

Why does that crack you both up? I know stuff. Just because I'm not currently having sex and don't have a huge number of past partners doesn't mean I don't know about people. I may actually be the best person to discuss this with given that I'm as relatively inexperienced as they are.

Peeved Michelle said...

How does that make you the best person for it? That makes no sense.

Joanne said...

Just because I haven't had a ton of partners doesn't discount the fact that I have had sex and most of them haven't. I'm far more relatable to them than someone who has had 15 or 20 partners. Plus it has been their experience (and I don't know that I disagree knowing some of the people I know) that people who have had a ton of sex are far more judgy than they realize about those who haven't. And that puts them in an uncomfortable position. AND at least in coworker's case, all the people who had a lot of sex lied to her (or glazed over the memory) about their first times. She was all anxious because it wasn't all hearts and flowers and fabulousness. It was uncomfortable for her and I assured her that was normal. They're just trying to get in the pants, not figure out that the reverse cowgirl is the best position for female stimulation.

Mind Sprite said...

Good news on your foot thing. I hope the new approaches work for you. I start physical therapy on my plantar fascitis next week and hope for some relief myself. Having to wear shoes in the house all evening really sucks.

I think your explanation makes perfect sense. Who wants to ask a nympho sex questions when you know almost nothing.