Saturday, February 18, 2006

No words on asses!

Matty & I went to the UAF vs my employer basketball game today. Now we went last year and I was appalled at the fact that the women's basketball team had the word "Nanooks" scrawled across the ass. Words on asses are my 2nd biggest pet peeve (right behind random stoppers) and so I emailed the coach and got a response blah blah blah. This year I was thrilled, THRILLED I say, to see no words on asses. The coach was true to her word. Now it doesn't change the fact that she is either a bad coach or they are a bad team or a combination of the two, but still. No words on asses. I consider it a moral victory. :) The Nanooks were not so lucky, they lost. It was a close game, though, and somewhat exciting. If they hadn't made a bunch of bad passes and errors they may not have lost.

On my way home, I witnessed an accident (fender bender type not call an ambulance type). I didn't go over to the people though. I never know what the proper thing to do in the situation is. There were a lot of people around, though since it was at the corner of Pike & Broadway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was walking through the student center the other day, and noticed the woman in front of my make a face and a comment about the outfit of a girl who passed us. My immediate thought, "But you have words on your ass!" I couldn't believe she was laughing at what someone else was wearing when she had Aeropostale written across her ass. I, too, hate words on butts.