Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Today's going to be a great day!

Do you know how I know? It was SNOWING as I left for the gym this morning! Snowing at 5:55! And it was beautiful. I love the snow. I miss the snow. I should move somewhere it snows more. It was so peaceful and quiet and beautiful while waiting for the bus. It made my ride on the methadone bus so much better this morning.

I feel now that I've mentioned the methadone bus I should explain (although it is kind of obvious). The bus I ride goes right past the methadone clinic. There are always between 5 and 10 people riding that bus that are going into the clinic. A couple of mornings ago there was this older woman and she made me sad because she was clearly needing a fix by her behavior. She was jittery and unable to really sit still on the bus. She made me sad because she looked like she should be hanging out with her grandkids on the porch, not riding a bus headed to the heroin addict's next fix.

Finally it is Valentine's Day. I do not have a good track record with the day although there is no dead ferret in my bed so already I'm doing much better than 2 years ago. :) (Seriously for those who have read this a long time, I know the story is getting old but come on, there's very little that can top finding a dead pet in your bed and getting bumped into by a car all in the same day. Plus now that it is 2 years later I can laugh about it.) Isa put up a little envelope and wanted Valentines so I bought some Bratz ones. Somehow these Valentines are not appropriate for a Human Resources office yet are appropriate for 6 year old girls.

Oh also, I have put on a new necklace. It isn't the same as the old one but Isa has a theory that maybe letting go of something that was very precious to me will allow something new that will be precious to me into my life. One can hope. :) Anyway, I strung 2 fish beads on a leather strap and now have a new necklace on. I had to. I really felt weird without anything around my neck.

Have a great day!

Ooh one more thing I almost forgot... Matty thinks that I shouldn't discount potheads because clearly they love me- the 2 that hit on me and Jeffy my gay, pothead, bartending husband. I commented that my non love for the potheads is not really what is keeping me from a relationship since those 2 people had far more to be rejected about them than just pot. That was the tip of the rejection iceberg. So I'll just say that... yeah, I'm still rejecting potheads. :)


Peeved Michelle said...

The biggest problem with Jeffy is not that he smokes pot, but that he is GAY. There really is no workaround for that one.

... said...

Wish I could see the snow...we haven't gotten any yet here. Hopefully we will before winter runs out.

If I know WA drivers, and I do, they are not dealing with the snow well.

Have a great V day!!!

Mind Sprite said...

"...tip of the rejection iceberg"

Great line, Joanne! I hope you have a wonderful V-day (with no death!)

Jodi said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Joanne!

Kate the Peon said...

I missed it - who's Isa? Virgin, former virgin, workcrush?

PM - CLASSIC comment.

Joanne said...

Isa's been given her own name now. She is my coworker who finally has done the deed so in the past she's been referred to as newlynonvirgin coworker.

There really is no workaround for Jeffy's gayness. But I think Matthew's point was just that potheads me and Jeffy was included in that list. :)

Unknown said...

My point is precisely that potheads love you and that, should you manage to not reject them on any of the thousands of other grounds you use to reject people, maybe you could bend a little on the pothead issue. You know, like less than three times a month will not make you dump the love of your life because he is otherwise perfect.

I certainly wasn't advocating Jeffy as an option. He actually violates two of your rules: Has slept with men since 1977 and has slept with a friend.