Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thank goodness the week is almost done!

Popsicles - I wish I had some popsicles. I have to make due with a fun size Snickers bar that's been in the freezer for months.

Biggest waste of an afternoon - In the continuing saga of the achilles tendon, I made an appointment with a sports medicine doctor. I tried to make an appointment with the one my physical therapist recommended to me. I was told that I couldn't go to him because I had to have a referral from my doctor, which I didn't have and so they set me up with an appointment with a different doctor but who is in the same group. So I go to this other doctor this afternoon. He looks at my heel. He has me stand up and go up on tippy toes and says he can't do anything for me since he is a surgeon but he wants me to go to a different doctor who specializes in non surgical approaches to my tendon problem. The doctor he sends me to... the one I wanted to go to in the first place. I tromped all the way up there in the pouring rain to be seen for 5 minutes and then go back out and stand in the rain for 10 minutes waiting for the bus to take me back to work. Sigh. BUT I do have an appointment with the appropriate doctor next Tuesday so we'll see what happens.

Crochet - I tried to teach the girls to crochet tonight. Please notice the word TRIED. I only know the weird complicated way of doing things so I was not succeeding. Luckily, 2 of my moms had an easy way to do it and they showed the girls the better way. That made us all happy. And the 2 who really got it were so excited. I think this weekend I'm going to get some felt so that we can make felt finger puppets for one of their badges. :)

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