Friday, August 04, 2006

Good deed for today. :)

My water class was good tonight. I'm really enjoying it a lot. I've got to get into a better rhythm for after class. So far I've done take out for dinner but I don't want to get into that habit. It is expensive and unhealthy. (Not that I'm the queen of health or anything.) I used Ivory soap to wash my hair after my swimming so my hair is not thrilled with me today. :) I'm just so tired after class, I barely even want to walk to the bus.

On my way home from getting tacos, I noticed an American Express Gold card lying on the ground. I was about to walk past it but thought better of it, Capitol Hill is a haven to all sorts of transients. So I picked it up and turned it in to Blockbuster.

I had a dream that Big R's dad died. His dad and stepmom work at the same place I do and his dad is kind of important there. I'm easily intimidated and so his dad makes me nervous. Anyway, I dreamed his father died and I was terribly terribly upset. I was just crying and crying. I comforted his stepmother. There was a whole wake thing going on. It was incredibly vivid and kind of weird when I woke up in the morning, I was almost confused for a moment.

We did actually have a colleague die recently. I went to the lunchtime mass that was in her honor. It was so weird how all the Catholic stuff came rushing back to me. I haven't been to a Catholic mass in a very long time. I've been to a couple of weddings, but that's about it. Yet I knew most of the responses and I still knew the Lord's Prayer. I don't think I've said the Lord's Prayer since my little sister and I shared a bedroom. It's like all the Catholic is stored in my DNA. :) Everybody went up to do the communion and so I held my hands over my chest indicating I didn't want communion and so the priest blessed me instead. He called me the wrong name. I found that so inappropriately funny I leaned forward to tell Isa he called me the wrong name and it came burbling out like laughter. (He called me by my other coworker's name. Somehow she and I are frequently mixed up. Apparently not thin brown haired chicks all look alike. You know, despite the fact that I wear glasses and long hair and we really don't look a like)

I can't wait for this week's episode of 30 days. A die hard atheist spends 30 days with 'true believers.' (The kind who pray with their hands in the air!) I like that for a change they aren't having an episode where a conservative is being forced to open up their opinions.

I may have found a new work crush. This one will be unrequited but that's okay. He's a new prof. Although the old WC did make me laugh the other day. He used slang when talking to me and so I had to call him on it. We were talking about lead singers for his band and I asked if they would ever pick a woman. We talked about what she'd need and he said "and she'd have to be hot." Now hot isn't the most slang term ever, but this is the guy who has used the phrase 'make love' instead of sex and 'genetalia' instead of... well anything except genetalia. So I cracked up and then he tried to amend it by saying attractive in really proper phrases and then he cracked up. It was funny.


Robin said...

Don't give up on the new work crush! Maybe something will happen - you never know. Plus, it never hurts to have another friend. (Do I sound like Pollyanna?)

Zed said...

I'm soooooo hoping the person at Blockbusters isn't out on a wild shopping spree tonight.

I think I'm jaded...