Monday, March 29, 2004


Ahhh... I have just returned from my weekend camping trip. I had a lot of fun and am glad I went. It was very revitalizing, although I think my journal (hand written :( ) may say otherwise. Maybe that's why it was revitalizing... I poured out a bunch of negativity into my journal. I spent most of the weekend doing crafts in the building known as Health House. We also slept there. We were very lucky as health house has running water, heat and electricity. Damn, it would've been like the Hilton except the bunks have one thin mat that is wickedly uncomfortable and since the bunks line the wall, you are sleeping head to foot (or head to head) with another person. Oh yeah and there were 7 other people in the room at least 3 of whom snored LOUDLY... We did a bunch of arts & crap. Just what I needed in my apartment... more crap. I discovered how to make suet. Did you know that it isn't the name for the bird food (which is what I totally thought it was). It is beef fat melted down into a liquid. Kinda gross to make but weirdly interesting at the same time. We went on a hike which was a nice little walk but I discovered my brown shoes are NOT good for hiking in. The soles are so thin, I could feel every rock and twig I stepped on. We walked on the beach and learned about oysters and the sea life. If I were an oyster eater, we could've eaten oysters right off the beach. The advanced camping skills class actually did that. They shucked some of the oysters off the beach and deep fried them. (gross) I got a ride down there with these two girls from my area. Initially the one was a little standoffish but she warmed up. Just like me I guess. Since I know that's how I can be too. It was so beautiful out there. I totally didn't want to come home. I would love to have a cabin or something... but then again... it would be far away from the city blah blah blah... oh yeah and I'm poor. :D They sing their camp songs wrong. But I knew they would. :) If nothing else, the trip made me homesick for alaska in a way I hadn't been lately. But it also reminded me that I can't go back to that anymore. It isn't the same place... wouldn't be the same place. I am more excited and more calm about planning the encampment now. I have a sense of the place and what's available. I am hoping for good things. :) When I got home Sunday I was exhausted. I was so glad to be home. I went to bed at like 9:30 and fell asleep immediately.

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