Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Other Grownuppy things

My company is about to offer a long term care policy. I could buy in now and get like nothing rates for the rest of my life (or as long as I keep paying them). Do I do it? That's such a grown up thing to have. It scares me a little... BUT I know that if my sister had had it they could've put her in respite care or in a hospice before she passed instead of my mom doing all sorts of crap before she died. (Of course honestly I have no idea what it was like at that house before she died but still... it would've been easier on my parents although maybe not it is hard to be in denial about a condition when you are in a hospice... who knows). The nice thing is, though, that even if I don't sign up I could get my parents in for our group rates. I will have to email them to see if they already have it or not.

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