Thursday, March 25, 2004

The Plan - Update

So it has been a couple of months since I wrote "the plan." And I figure it is time for an update...

Prong 1 - Up to 45 min by June... We're at 35 min now. I am not actually 100% certian this one will happen. I HAVE to consult a doctor about my lungs. Some days I'm fine, but more and more lately I'm wheezing and really, by now I should be able to climb these hills without wanting to DIE!
Prong 2 - Decrease soda consumption by 1/3. Done. Interesting... I thought increase water consumption was a prong, but it is not so in conjunction with decreasing soda consumption, I have increased water consumption so totally done.
Prong 3 - Increase fruit/veggie consumption to 5 a day by June. Fairly easily I can get 3 done in a day. 5 is going to be work but that's okay. Mostly I can get the 3 done because that's all I eat for breakfast. :)
Prong 4 - Field trip outside capital hill. Done. :)

Time to add new prongs since 2 are done...

Prong 5 - Get finances under control. I make $15k/yr less here than I did in California and have $300 more in rent each month as well as more on all my utilities because I now pay them 100% myself instead of dividing by 3. I also have a rather large credit card debt because when I first moved up here I couldn't find a job and was living on my credit card. Plus I have new expenses like properly taking care of way cute hair. :) I have a theory on how to live within my means, but so far it hasn't panned out and that tax refund (while I Loved it) gave me a false sense of fiscal security. By Independence Day, I want to be able to get through an entire month without going into the red and/or adding to my already ginormous debt... ugh this will take work. But it is very important.

Prong 6 - Cleaning. The bane of my existance. I HATE IT!!! We'll start small on this one. I will do dishes/ tidy up kitchen every other day. Presently, there are no plates, silverware or pots clean and I'm at that place where I wash 1 fork and 1 pot and 1 plate so I have enough to eat with and that's it.

New goals are good. We shall see where they go. :)

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