Sunday, May 29, 2005

Estoy cansada

I am some kind of tired today! I'm sure I'll sleep like the dead. One more day to get through and then VACATION! YAY!

This morning I was a greeter again. I don't think I want to do that again next year. There was a family of dirty hippy contra dancers helping out this morning. They annoyed me giving me instructions. Yes I set the programs on the contribution box... but there were no people! I'm aware that the people won't be able to put their contribution in the box if the programs are there... but seriously NO PEOPLE! Freaks. Then another guy came by... the greeter guru or whatever. I did not like him at all. He was giving me all sorts of instructions about where to set the fucking buttons. On the contribution box so people can just grab them. I'm not 5 fucker. Please don't speak to me as though I am... Your condesencion is seriously annoying. No excessively unusual folks came in my gate. There was a rather interesting trio of adults with 2 smallish children. The adults dressed all in black, tattooed down arms/legs (at least 2 of them were). The men had long scraggly hair. Aging rockers. One was pushing a stroller of black and silver... very high tech looking actually. Then the son... he looked like a soccer mom's kid. Striped t-shirt and probably blue jeans. The baby in the stoller - and it was a little baby - dressed in pink. It was incongrouous. (Random side note, I'm watching Titanic on NBC - I wasn't kidding that I watch crap movies - and in the drawings that Jack does, they blur out the nipples on the naked pictures... so freaking weird).

At lunch, I went to the Center House again. This is the 2nd day I sat up on the 2nd level eating lunch and the 2nd day I noticed the same gentleman sitting up there at the computer. With at least 2 bags of food/groceries at his feet. He seems to munch on that all day while using Seattle Center House's free wi-fi. Of the odder things he does... pours his soda from a 1 literish bottle into a can. So weird. And kind of creepy.

The afternoon was spent making wooden boats in the children's section. It was so fun! I met some very nice people who work at or volunteer for the center of wooden boats. The kids were so cute making their little wooden boats, and I too am now a proud owner of a little wooden boat. I think next year, I'm not doing 6 shifts again. It's just too exhausting and far too killer on my feet. The heel problem I've been having for awhile now, is much more painful after a day like today.

1 comment:

... said...

I don't know how you do it, but they come out of the woodwork for you don't they? Wish I could find some cool weird people like that, I love to use them in stories...