Thursday, January 05, 2006

Let go.

I don't know how to let things go. I'm well aware of this. It sometimes bothers me too. For instance, today I got an email from my biggest boss because a bigwig hadn't heard back from me on an email from December. Ok I know better. I should've responded right away, especially since she is high on the food chain and all that. Her 2nd email came in and said, I'll interoffice the form to you today. So that one requires no response on my part as far as I'm concerned, although I suppose a "Thanks, I'll look for it" would've been nice. So when her email to my boss came about me never answering her emails I was a bit surprised and looked back and sure enough I didn't answer the 1st one. So now I'm bothered by a stupid error and I don't know how to just let it go.

I could go on and on with examples of stuff I can't let go. Any ideas on how just to let things go? I've tried to think "Ok let it go" but somehow that doesn't work...


Peeved Michelle said...

Send her an email apologizing for missing the first and letting her know you will take care of whatever that form is when you receive it. Own up to it publicly and be free of it.

Jodi said...

Michelle's advice sounds good. I have the same issue with being unable to let things go sometimes.

Joanne said...

Oh I did that already. Apologized and let her know I'd take care of her form the minute it came in and told her I did the calc and explained why she doesn't qualify blah blah blah. But for some reason it just kept rattlng around in my head and bothering me.

Mind Sprite said...

Write out what is bothering you on a piece of paper, then burn it while visualizing releasing it. Then, if you start thinking about it again, just imagine the paper burning up and say to yourself "No, I released that" and go have a cookie or something!