Monday, January 16, 2006

My sister's keeper.

While at Powells, I bought a lot of books. A LOT. Honestly I think I bought more in one day than I've purchased in the last year. The one I just read that I can't help but recommend highly was My Sister's Keeper. In a nutshell, a family has a son and a daughter. The daughter, Kate, is diagnosed with a rare leukemia at age 2. They needed to give the sick child a tranplant but there is no family donor that matches enough so they decide to have another child. They do in vitro and manage to have a 2nd daughter, Anna, who is a perfect match. The geneticists picked the egg to implant to ensure that she would be. Thus begins Anna's life as a donor for her sister. She ends up donating various fluids (leukocytes, platelets etc) several times in her young life. She eventually donates bone marrow, but Kate keeps geetting sicker. Finally when Anna is 13, Kate needs a kidney, and naturally the parents go back to Anna for it. And Anna has had enough so she sues her parents for medical emancipation, so she can make her own medical decisions. The whole concept is fascinating. I was intrigued from the first page. Even the 'twist' at the end was excellent. The only thing I really didn't like was the very end. I felt like it was a cop out. But otherwise, excellent. And now I've found a new author to read. :)


Unknown said...

I've read all but one of her books and I've loved every single one of them! Good find! :)

Jodi said...

That sounds like a great book. I'll have to check it out sometime. I'm always reading too many books at once to keep up on!

Kate the Peon said...

There actually was a real case, I believe, where no family donors matched the child in need, so they had a second child solely for the purpose of bone marrow (I think) transplant to Kid #1. I don't think it got all dramatic like the book did though. :)

... said...

Yeah, I read that one last was a fast read that I couldn't put down but was a bit of a downer...I don't think I have read anything else by her.