Saturday, January 21, 2006

A Friday Night adventure for a change

Last night it was Amy's (she's Isa (coworker)'s roommate) birthday so I went over to Isa's house to celebrate. That was less than fun so we decided to go out. First we headed to the Crescent and watched Karaoke for quite awhile. The Crescent is a gay bar, but I had never been there. It was pretty fun. I ran into one of my favorite gays, Shannon. He & I go way back (I met him one time when I was visiting V but before I moved up here). We haven't seen each other since New Year's Eve 2005. That's the way it is, we randomly run into each other in a bar and chat. That's his bitchy hag Heather in the pic who poured the alcohol on me. (I've said it before that I hate the term fag hag for the girls that hang with the gays, but in Heather's case it is totally justified. She is just freakin' unpleasant. She's bitter and resentful and rather bitchy. She can't be fun and just exudes 'I'm a bitch' vibe).

While we were there one of Michelle, (Isa's roommate who went camping with us) got to sing her karaoke. She was thrilled. We waited for HOURS though to be able to do that. But we had fun anyway. We danced and sang along to all the singers. Big R was there with us. While she was up on stage I was stanging at a counter guarding all the coats (everybody else who was with us went up to the front) and I got chatted up by a nice enough guy. He then shared that he was bisexual. I have a firm no bisexual rule. We actually left shortly after that and headed to another bar.

We went to Clever Dunnes, which is across from the Crescent. Holy cow, I didn't know there was a fun straight bar on the hill! It was full of beautiful men. While we were sitting there this extremely drunk guy came by and Isa cleared a chair thinking he wanted the chair to take away. Nope, he sat down and joined us. He was EXTREMELY drunk and didn't make a lot of sense. I think he wanted us to buy him more booze since he kept opening his wallet and pointing out that there was no money and saying he forgot his money at his room. Luckily he left us but it really felt like it took a long time to do it. While we were there Amy went up and chatted up this extremely hot guy. EXTREMELY. He invited us to this after hours place and feeling full of adventurous spirit (or alcohol you decide), I decided to go with them. This was at 2.

So Big R, Amy & I headed down to La Corizon which is a venue just off the freeway, but it was within walking distance. The after hours thing was actually above it in what looked like it could've been a beautiful apartment except it was apparently regularly used for these after hours house parties. (well and it was right next to the freeway above a bar). There was a rather eclectic group of people, hip hoppers, dreadheads, etc. The music was rap but was pretty fun. I didn't talk to a lot of people, okay any but that's not uncommon. Amy didn't get a chance to talk to hot guy again though. Big R was not having fun and somewhat uncomfortable (Big R is gay and that wasn't really what could be described as a gay friendly crowd). When the chick on the stage lit up a pipe and I could smell the pot really strongly, I was glad when Big R convinced Amy to leave. But it was an adventure and I had fun in my own way. I finally stumbled home at 3:30. I haven't been out that late in a really long time! :)

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