Once upon a time Sara Rue was not thin. I really liked the fact that she played fun characters and on Less than Perfect she ended up getting the cute guy despite not being a size -2. In fact it was HER show and she wasn't, unlike most fat chicks on TV, the comedic side kick. So I was shocked when I saw these pictures in People Magazine. While I would never say that a woman shouldn't do with her body what she wants and that includes lose weight. And as appalled I am when Hollywood 'pressures' a woman into becoming a lollipop, I would similarly be appalled if I were such a fair weather fan that I would lose respect for an actress who decided to lose weight for whatever reason. It makes me sad, though, to see Sara as a new member of the lollipop guild. (For those of you who don't know what I mean by a lollipop, it is the trend of actresses to become so super skinny that their heads look massive on little stick bodies. See also recent pictures of Lindsay Lohan, Lara Flynn Boyle, Courtney Cox (pre baby, post baby she seems to be more normal.)) I thought she was pretty before and there was a time on her show when she had slimmed down and looked healthy. Now I think she looks too skinny. Really, collar bones aren't supposed to be able to cut glass.
I, too, hate this trend! The lollipop look is just awful. If you want to lose weight to be healthy, fine, but don't go to the extreme other end of unhealthiness.
I like that term "lollipop." I have another friend who calls them "social Xrays" which also amuses me!
I don't like the lollipop look either...especially when a persons elbows are the widest part of the arm...but honestly, I don't think this lady looks too bad. Maybe it is just the picture but she looks okay. I don't know who she is though...sorry.
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