So I'm an atheist, maybe at the closest agnostic but really mostly atheist. Having said that, I will fully admit to having weird little beliefs. They are completely illogical and I'll admit that, but you know they make life fun. Many many years ago I got a daruma doll. I colored one eye, and made my wish. The wish came true and so I colored the other eye. It was a pretty big wish and it came true really quickly. Clearly there are some other forces at work. :)
Michelle's mom gave me this very cool box of stone charms. I googled the meaning of the different stones and discovered that rose quartz is traditionally worn to attract love and heal broken hearts. :) Since then I've been wearing it regularly. I'll let you know if it works. :)
I am definitely not a religious person, but it seems to me that belief in a doll is quite a bit different from belief in God (so it makes sense to me that you could believe in one, but not the other - especially if you're an atheist). But, if you're an agnostic, like me, then you don't believe that God does or does not exist...you're just not sure. So, I hold that same belief in other things, until proven otherwise, thus the wish coming true could lead me to believe in the power of a doll. Maybe. Or, maybe I make no sense.
I don't believe in God either but I still wear my Buddha necklace when I fly...and I tell my husband to be careful every morning when he leaves for work or fun because I think if I don't, something bad might happen to him.
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