The camping trip I went on the weekend before last was for the scouts. It was a weekend challenge for older girls. The girls were assigned to groups and had to work together and do team building activities. (Now I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I don't do trust activities. Well, bottom line is of course that I don't trust people but... when I was a camp counselor at my first GS camp job, we had a ropes course at the camp. You have to start out doing trust activities. I couldn't do the basic fall where they just pushed you back up. So then the lead counselor made me do one off the table. The girls line up in a row and catch you in their arms. The first week the kids caught me, no problem (well I did scream which they all thought was funny). The 2nd week the kids didn't. I ended up in the emergency room with a concussion and spent 24 hours in the infirmary. And... worse... I had to do it with the same group of girls. Nightmare! I did it. We all survived.)

The camp director. This is going to be very unkind of me but seriously it is rather true. In MY experience, there are three types of women who work for GS. Fat ones, lesbians or ones who fit both bills. It is the oddest thing, but honestly every person who was out there that worked for our council was one of those 3. (Wait, there WAS one teeny tiny girl who may have been both straight and skinny. She's a rare species though.)
It's only unkind if it's meant in a hurtful way. Otherwise, it's just inconsiderate ;)
I would love to sleep in a barn!
I really wish I'd stuck in past Brownies so I could have gone overnight camping. But then, even though my Brownie leaders were thin and straight (as far as I know), they were sort of into drugs, according to my Mom, which may have been why they weren't so good and I hated it.
When we were GS camp counselors there were several not fat not lesbians at camp with us.
i am thinking that it's partially because the girl scouts went out of their way to say ALL girls are welcome, unlike certain other types of scouts...ahem...all my scout leaders were moms so in a way it's more diverse than when i was a kid.
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