Monday, May 14, 2007

Reminds me of my pops.

Last night I dozed off while on the sofa at like 10:30. Really I should've gotten up and went to bed. So when I woke up at 11:00 I logically decided to go to bed. And then I discovered that that 30 minute catnap screwed me up totally. So I tossed and turned and tossed before I remembered that I had looked at my Danskos last week and thought, 'hmm, I need to polish these.' So that's what I did last night. I hopped out of bed and got my little shoe polishing kit and polished both pair of my black Danskos so they look all shiny and pretty again. It reminds me of my pops because when I was little Sunday was boot polishing day and I would help him by taking the shoe brush to the boots. (He wore cowboy boots every day to work. I don't know why. An Arizona thing I suppose.) (I have no idea why the shoe brush totally works but it does. Weird that.)

I did a lot this past weekend, only 1 thing (oops 2 things) were volunteering. I volunteered at Rent (warning: it launches with music) on Friday night and at the Letter Carrier's Food Drive on Saturday. Yesterday I went to the Cedar River Watershed which was way cool. I'll have pictures up later.

Rent was okay this round. This is the 4th time I've seen it and I like some of the other ones better. I will say that they were very polite. I got to the theater at 6:30 (which is the usual volunteer call time) and Roger was milling around talking with people. And just after the doors opened the actor playing Mark and one of the actresses in the chorus came out and they were very funny about making sure we knew they were with the show so we would let them back in.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

Evening naps, even late ones are the bane. They're worse than midday naps. Cuz at least with a midday nap, yer just at work :)