Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I may die...

Earlier this morning I had a nice little chat with workcrush. We were talking about the machine he's working on fixing. I have no skills in repair of anything, and wires and gadgets strangely enough still hold a fascination for me. Mostly because since I don't really get it, they are almost 'magical.' :) He mentioned he was tired and mentioned he was in a band... but I didn't get any more info because the person he was waiting on came up. Ok so that was nice. :)

Fastforward to lunch. Workcrush is sitting in a corner, and I sit with coworker and coworker's friends. I feel compelled to state that coworker and friend 1 are both still virgins at 25. I don't know if this is why they are weird about boys but I suspect it is. So he goes to leave and waves as he walks past the table. I wave back. Friend one (who is facing me so his back is to her) is making weird gestures and faces about workcrush. After he is gone I say something to her about being weird. She proceeds to say "What, he didn't see anything, he was already around the cor..." and then makes a sound like an audible gulp. And proceeds to put her head down and eat quickly. Yes boys and girls, workcrush came back around the corner, probably heard much of that exchange and if he hadn't, the fact that the table was suddenly silent after laughing definitely should have tipped him off. Seriously, kill me now. Or more accurately, anyone want to be my friend who isn't 12 years old? :)


Kate the Peon said...

I had friends who were virgins at a late age and seriously, they were freaks about sex and boys. They would giggle and act all hysterical.

Peeved Michelle said...

Like I said, virgins are useless.