Monday, April 04, 2005

Most exciting news...

Yay! My baby sister is coming for a visit in April. Without her baby. So it will be just us wild and crazy, swinging single gals about town. I'm not sure what will be fun to do, but at the same time won't traumatize me, her big sister who hasn't really really gotten over the fact that she isn't 14 anymore. :) I'm guessing there'll be a field trip to Nordstrom's Rack and most likely a straight bar. Hmm... a straight bar, probably we'll have to field trip to Pioneer Square. I think the few straight bars on the hill may be too much for her. :) Or too much for me, her big, mean, over-protective sister, to let her go into. Except the Garage. That would be okay, but that's just a pool hall. Whee!! A visit! Damn... :( Now I HAVE to clean and not just hypothetically. :)

1 comment:

Peeved Michelle said...

Maybe I should come visit soon after your sister leaves so that I can take advantage of the relative cleanliness, plus I have a plane ticket I need to use up before the end of June.