Monday, January 30, 2006
Testing a theory
Thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me so far.
Eternally grateful,
Your humble servant, Joanne
Sunday, January 29, 2006
My favorite restaurant is moving. They don't know where they are moving yet. I'm hoping that the move doesn't translate to permanently closed. I would be sad if that happened. Although, if they move further north than Edmonds, I think I won't go there as often as I go now. They had a new, to me, waitress today. She was not good. I hope my usual waiter still works there. It makes me wonder if they only hire staff from the celiac community or if they pay so little only inexperienced wait staff are willing to work there. I remember when the guy first started he wasn't that great, but he got good fast.
Who am I? (again)
[X] I've run away from home (Didn't succeed. I was 11)
[X] I listen to political music (What's political music? Sinead O'Conner then I do I guess.)
[ ] I collect[ed] comic books.
[X] I shut others out when I'm sad
[ ] I open up to others easily
[X] I am keeping a secret from the world (Aren't we all?)
[ ] I watch the news
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs (only 4)
[X] I own something from Hot Topic (Does Torrid, Hot Topic's fatchick sister store, count?)
[X] I love Disney movies
[X] I am a sucker for hair/eyes
[ ] I don't kill bugs
[X] I curse regularly
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation
[ ] I love Spam
[X] I bake well
[ ] I would wear pajamas to school
[X] I have a job
[ ] I love Martha Stewart
[ ] I am in love/like with someone
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[X] I am self conscious
[X] I like to laugh
[ ] I smoke a pack a day
[ ] I loved Go Ask Alice
[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick
[ ] I can't swallow pills
[X] I have many scars (How many is many?)
[X] I've been out of this country
[X] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room
[X] I am really ticklish
[X] I love chocolate!!
[ ] I bite my nails
[X] I am comfortable with being me
[X] I play computer games/video games when I'm bored
[X] Gotten lost in the city
[X] Saw a shooting star
[ ] I had Surgery
[ ] Gone out in public in your pajamas
[X] I have kissed a stranger (Not voluntarily, he kissed me)
[ ] Hugged a stranger
[ ] Been in a fist fight with the same sex
[ ] Laughed and had milk/soda come out of your nose
[X] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[ ] Made out in an elevator
[X] Swore at your parents
[ ] Kicked a guy where it hurts
[ ] Been skydiving
[ ] Been bungee jumping
[ ] Broken a bone
[X] Played spin the bottle
[X] Gotten stitches
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
[ ] Bitten someone
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls
[X] Gotten the chicken pox
[X] Crashed into a car
[X] Been to Japan
[X] Ridden in a taxi
[X] Shoplifted (I was like 10 and it was a pen.)
[ ] Been fired
[X] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back (Story of my life)
[X] Stole something from your job
[ ] Gone on a blind date
[X] Had a crush on a teacher/coach
[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans
[ ] Been to Europe
[ ] Slept with a co-worker
[ ] Been married
[ ] Gotten divorced
[X] Saw someone/something dying
[X] Driven over 400 miles in one day
[X] Been to Canada
[X] Been on a plane
[X] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] Thrown up in a bar
[X] Eaten Sushi
[ ] Been snowboarding
[ ] Been skiing
[X] Been ice skating (Took a class in college. I got a P)
[X] Met someone in person from the internet
[ ] Been to a motocross show
[X] Going to or have gone to college
[ ] Done hard drugs
[X] Taken painkillers (I'm wildly allergic to the good stuff. No vicodins for me)
[ ] Cheated on someone else (NEVER, although came kind of close once)
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Long day into night
After that headed to Center House for lunch. I was STARVING. Then it was off to the library. Since I found those 2 new authors, I put a bunch of books on hold by them. Six of those books came in. How is it always feast or famine?
After that I came home and sat on the sofa for a few minutes. I was so tired and totally didn't want to get up. But I had to send a copy of my birth certificate and driver's license so that she can add me to her flight benefits. She works for an airline and I think in an effort to allow for domestic partnerships without saying so, they just allow 1 adult on the flight benefit with her. Since my parents are already on there by virtue of being her parents and she's single that leaves me! Yay! :) But she had to get the paperwork in by the 31st so I overnighted her the copies. I know that in the normal world I could've just faxed them but she's worried about the fax machine at the place she works at. How can I complain about spending 23 bucks to ship a package when this means I may not have to pay for my flight for the Great American Family Vacation that I May or May Not Survive. So I was off to the UPS Store to ship that. Got home at 4:30 and flopped down on the bed for a nap. A 3 hour nap. I'm never going to get to sleep tonight!
Oh and my tendon is killing me again but I have a doctor's appointment on the 2nd with a sports medicine guy to see if he has any suggestions.
Friday, January 27, 2006
We played with bubbles last night at our meeting. It was so much fun, although the bubble solution I made didn't bubble as well as I wanted it to. We ended up adding more from the dish soap I had purchased some time in the past. But I showed the girls how to make a square bubble and they were so excited to try to do it themselves. It was totally awesome! (In my head as I typed that I thought, Radical dude!) The most exciting part was that unlike the last science experiment we did where I couldn't make it work, this one actually did! :) (Actually last time we were trying to float paperclips. It is possible. I did do it for about 1.3 seconds until the table shifted and the clip fell. The girls saw it though.) And it was something they could do as 2 of them accomplished this. (I only had 3 show up.) This weekend the 3 older girls & I are going to the Pacific Science Center. I'm excited about that. This weekend I also need to come up with what badges we are actually working on (I have a general idea) and plan on going to buy them the next Saturday the Girl Scout office is open.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Apparently it was a good thing I went, though. The class I'm taking is free because it is part of the Academic Salons we offer. I figured it would be crowded, but it wasn't. In fact they were getting ready to cancel the classes altogether because for the past couple of weeks only the person who organized the Salons and the instructor were there. She was thrilled that I had shown up and then 2 more people came so that was even more exciting. Now they will keep the classes going, which is good for me since the price is right. :)
Tag I'm it no tag backs!
The rules: The tagged victim lists 8 different points of their perfect lover/partner, mentioning the sex of said partner.Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on a post letting them know they've been tagged. If tagged before, no need to contribute.
Target of my perfect partner: Male
1 - Good with finances. (It isn't that I'm incapable, I just don't enjoy it so I don't do anything.)
2 - Volunteer minded. It is important to me to get out and do good work. I would hope my partner would want to do the same.
3 - Makes me laugh.
4 - Has a good stable family. Mine's chaotic if I were to have kids I'd like them to at least have 1 set of grandparents that aren't completely batshit.
5 - Kind
6 - Intelligent
7 - Compassionate, considerate, caring, fun
8 - Great Eyes ;)
I'm not really a tagger but if you want to do it, consider yourself tagged. :)
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Hmm could this be my destiny?
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Taxes are done!
According to the mensa test, I am a genius. :) I got 24 out of 33. I found this thanks to Poppy & Peanut.
V & I went to see Hoodwinked yesterday. I really enjoyed it, in spite of myself. I wasn't sure I wanted to see it, but it was really clever and funny. And, bigger shock, V didn't stand me up.
What a great weekend so far!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
A Friday Night adventure for a change
While we were there one of Michelle, (Isa's roommate who went camping with us) got to sing her karaoke. She was thrilled. We waited for HOURS though to be able to do that. But we had fun anyway. We danced and sang along to all the singers. Big R was there with us. While she was up on stage I was stanging at a counter guarding all the coats (everybody else who was with us went up to the front) and I got chatted up by a nice enough guy. He then shared that he was bisexual. I have a firm no bisexual rule. We actually left shortly after that and headed to another bar.
We went to Clever Dunnes, which is across from the Crescent. Holy cow, I didn't know there was a fun straight bar on the hill! It was full of beautiful men. While we were sitting there this extremely drunk guy came by and Isa cleared a chair thinking he wanted the chair to take away. Nope, he sat down and joined us. He was EXTREMELY drunk and didn't make a lot of sense. I think he wanted us to buy him more booze since he kept opening his wallet and pointing out that there was no money and saying he forgot his money at his room. Luckily he left us but it really felt like it took a long time to do it. While we were there Amy went up and chatted up this extremely hot guy. EXTREMELY. He invited us to this after hours place and feeling full of adventurous spirit (or alcohol you decide), I decided to go with them. This was at 2.
So Big R, Amy & I headed down to La Corizon which is a venue just off the freeway, but it was within walking distance. The after hours thing was actually above it in what looked like it could've been a beautiful apartment except it was apparently regularly used for these after hours house parties. (well and it was right next to the freeway above a bar). There was a rather eclectic group of people, hip hoppers, dreadheads, etc. The music was rap but was pretty fun. I didn't talk to a lot of people, okay any but that's not uncommon. Amy didn't get a chance to talk to hot guy again though. Big R was not having fun and somewhat uncomfortable (Big R is gay and that wasn't really what could be described as a gay friendly crowd). When the chick on the stage lit up a pipe and I could smell the pot really strongly, I was glad when Big R convinced Amy to leave. But it was an adventure and I had fun in my own way. I finally stumbled home at 3:30. I haven't been out that late in a really long time! :)
Friday, January 20, 2006
Blog etiquitte
It's going to be a great day!
Matty don't read the next part (the blue text). (But FYI I've just realized another reason to never date or sleep with a bisexual man, I wouldn't be able to donate blood ever if I did.)
I'm warning you.
You won't like it...
I donated blood this morning with my coworker. I used to do it all the time and then I moved up here and stopped. And then I got a tattoo and couldn't because you can't do it for 1 year after getting one. So now I'm donating again. It makes me very happy to donate blood for 2 reasons. One, I'm glad I'm doing something for others and I know how important blood is. My sister donates platelets whenever she can and in that, they take her blood out, whip it around to its separate parts and then put the plasma and red blood cells back without the platelets. I've found that when you have had someone in the past who was really sick with a condition that required a lot of treatment, you find yourself wanting to do more to give back because you realize on a different level how important it really is. Like I've always known it was important and I used to do it all the time, but now I have a different understanding of the importance, but I digress. The other reason I like to donate blood... I have an unholy fascination with blood. It is amazing stuff to me and I like to watch the bag fill up and I like to watch them fill the vials for testing of it. Seriously, sometimes I think I should go back to school to be like a phlebotomist or something like that. I like to look at it under microscopes. I just find it so fascinating! You have to consider, it is so amazing, it courses through your entire body and does all these neat and wonderful things. Maybe blood is my religion. :)
MATTY, You can read now! It is safe!
So so far today has been a great day! I have to go to the library after work to return and pick up some books. I am going to a party this evening which I hope will be fun, although several members of the cult of the virgins will be there. Including the Italian guy who I ate lunch with all by myself the other day and I didn't kill him and that's progress.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Not quite as secret as I thought...
Another new author for me!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Portland Pics #1
Matthew likes this sign for some reason. I think it is kind of funny. Also we liked the fact that it is right next to a Flexcar. There were Flexcar's available all over the place. Even more than I'm used to seeing in Seattle.

Portland Pics #2

Mill Ends Park. It is listed in the Guiness Book of Records as being the smallest park. It is only 24 inches in diameter. I tried to get a better picture by standing on the other side of the street but you see that puddle in the middle left? Yeah, cars kept driving through that fast and splashing the crap out of me.
Vietnam Veteran's Memorial. I liked it. It was peaceful. The black rectangles you can almost see in the background, are memorials to the soldiers who died and they also talk about various things that happened during that year.
This tree was on the path in the Hoyt Arboretum. I liked its coloring.
If there weren't so much cloud coverage you are supposed to be able to see several mountains, Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens and one other one.
My sister's keeper.
We drove out Friday night. Since the 5 looked so bad, Matty decided to take the 99 to get past some of the worst of the out of Seattle traffic. In theory this was a good idea. In reality we got lost. We spent between an hour and an hour and a half just driving around Burien. Luckily, though, the detour got rid of the worst of the traffic and we made it down to Portland by like 10:45.
Saturday we got up and ventured out. It was rainy and we wandered around downtown Portland. Unlike downtown Seattle, there weren't a lot of people about. We stopped at a used music store and grabbed a couple of tapes for the drive home. We also went down to Powells bookstore. Matthew LOVES Powells books. I did not show enough of my love for them, though. I did like it. I bought a buttload of books.
After lunch we went to the Chinese Garden. It was gorgeous. I really liked the peacefulness of the place. I really enjoyed it there. I took a ton of pictures, which I'll post in a 2nd post. I want to go back when the flowers are in bloom.
Sunday morning, we went to Washington Park. Although now that I looked through the website and description of the park, I think we were mostly in Hoyt Arboretum. This also seems to be a place I want to see in the spring or summer when the flowers are in bloom. Mostly we just tromped along in the cold until we were freezing. Then we headed home.
All in all it was a good trip. I saw a bunch of cool things. And I want to go back. :) Although if I do, I won't stay in a Days Inn.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Pack light?
Thursday, January 12, 2006
She represents the lollipop guild...

On being single
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
To Quote Ralph Wiggam "I am smart, S-M-R-T"
This story gets worse though, (as if that was possible.). I had purchased a Thank You card to send to Michelle's mom for a Christmas Present. (The Fabulous Fraggle Rock DVD's). It is all sappy and she'll appreciate it. I have written in it. I put the stamps on it. I put my return address label on it. And I dropped it in the box. Now if you read the list of things I did, there is one glaring omission. I never addressed it to her mom. Luckily I just tossed it in the bin in the office and the mail guy had just picked it up so I managed to get it and put the address on it but man I would've been pissed if it had been returned to me.
Monday, January 09, 2006
A good conversation with a credit card company??
So I called Citibank (I'll plug them because I had a good experience) and ask to lower the interest rate. He can do it! He lowers it to like 15%. So then my 2nd question is can I change reward programs because I'm currently on the car reward program and I never will use that, I think I ended up on it by accident. So he asks what program I'm interested in and signs me up with one of those cash back programs. Yay! AND (can you believe it gets better?) my interest rate lowers to 13%! Holy crap! He said that by changing programs I give up like being a 'charter member' of the Driver's Edge program (like that does anything) and the diamond designation (like that means anything either) but whatever in 1 phone call I lost 5% of interest for this card and when I switch over Card 1's balance I cut my interest in 1/2. These are all good things.
Oh and originally was going to bitch because the guy was not American so I was thinking that it is just awful that Citibank has outsourced their customer care and I should be against that. But after he was so helpful I can't be upset about that.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Out of sorts
Today I flipped my mattress and did some cleaning under the bed. I discovered that Rigby is terrified about the vacuum cleaner and Tess is merely ambivalent about it. Although they both are traumatized whenever I do something weird around the house. I could tell it was agood thing I finally did the mattress. When I moved everything that was next to the wall and laid there I could totally feel the difference. Apparently it is a good thing I sleep alone considering what I found in my bed while taking everything off it to flip it. I found 7 library books, 6 regular books, 1 notebook, 1 pen, 1 hat that had 2 fingernail clippers and 1 Christmas ornament in it. There were 3 pillows in addition to the 2 I usually use. I found 2 catalogs and a magazine. Where the hell do I manage to sleep in all this? Tess was also traumatized because I took away the box that had been at the foot of the bed. It was the box Sampson came in and I need to take it down to storage. I have a weird thing about boxes, probably from being in college and moving so much, but I save all my bigger boxes. You never know when one may decide to move.
This weeks menu:
Sunday dinner - Sherried chicken & Rice.
Monday lunch - Sherried chicken & rice
Monday dinner - Either chicken tacos or a pork chop.
Tuesday lunch - Sherried chicken & rice
Tuesday dinner - Either lesbian tacos with Matty or something vague with chicken.
Wednesday lunch - Sherried chicken & rice
Wednesday dinner - Chicken & garlic sauce (So I have some for lunch the rest of the week.)
Thursday lunch - Student center food. (I have $$ put on my campus card so I can eat on campus once a week as a 'treat'.
Thursday dinner - Chicken & Garlic sauce.
Friday lunch - Chicken & garlic sauce.
Friday dinner - depends on what time Matty & I leave but most likely tacos.
(Yes there's a whole chicken and rice trend. I eat a buttload of chicken and rice cooked in various ways.)
Friday, January 06, 2006
That's the way to spend an afternoon
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Let go.
I could go on and on with examples of stuff I can't let go. Any ideas on how just to let things go? I've tried to think "Ok let it go" but somehow that doesn't work...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Ugly new shoes!

*Crazy feet - among other weird issues about my body, only one foot bends at a full 90 degree angle. The other does not, like only 84 degrees. Neither of them will bend back further. That's why the hill climbing is an issue and probably since I used to either drive or live in flat places, it wasn't ever noticed before.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
I got a P!
- Since I'm non-matric a lot of the classes I want are already full.
- A lot of the undergrad classes are during the day. I could potentially miss work and make up the time later to take one but I don't want to do it for just some random class I'm taking. It would be different if this was towards a degree in something useful.
- I know some of these profs on a different level. Some of them I really really wouldn't want to take a class from. Unfortunately some of them seem to teach the classes that look interesting. :)
Monday, January 02, 2006
My Date With Drew
A lot of accomplishment for only 2 hrs of work.
For menu planning my meals for next week will be:
Monday - Enchiladas
Tuesday - Lunch - Enchiladas
Dinner - Taco Tuesday with Matty. (I always include 1 meal out for dinner and 1 for lunch as part of my meal planning)
Wednesday - Lunch - Enchiladas
Dinner - Pan fried chicken and mashed potatoes
Thursday - Lunch - Enchiladas
Dinner - That's a little harder, it is Brownie night and so I tend to not want to cook those nights and usually do take out. I must think on this further.
Friday - Lunch - Enchiladas
Dinner - Either pork chops or Gluten Free Hamburger Helper (yes there is such a thing who knew?) the hamburger helper will provide me with lunch on Saturday so that's a good thing.
I also have a project for Saturday. I am going to flip my mattress. I am also going to clean out from under the bed which is what makes this a project because the actual flipping isn't really that difficult. But since I'll have the mattress up on its side, I force myself to clean out and vacuum under the bed. Blech. I think that my mattress is what is contributing to my back pain. I felt a lot better when I was visiting the folks. Now I'm back on my bed and my back is killing me again. I'm hoping flipping will help. Otherwise I have to face the fact that I may have to buy a new mattress and there just isn't extra dollars for that.
Sundays are also going to be for adventures again. I have not had a Sunday adventure in a really long time. It is time, even if I am just catching the bus and going somewhere I haven't been to before. I'm optimistic.
A few things that make me happy today...
I've been addicted to this game on yahoo for days now. I don't know what it is about it but I just love it.
I am exceedingly happy with Fraggle Rock. I've watched 4 episodes so far. Still cracks my shit up.
Ok maybe that's it right now. I'll think of more I'm sure. :)
Sunday, January 01, 2006
The year of ME!
I AM an old lady! :)
Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'all!
Here's hoping 2006 is awesome!