Random Gayboy #1. We shall call him Ethan. Ethan is the lead singer for the up and coming band The Rum & Cokes. Ethan likes long walks on the beach and loves his cat Shelby.

Random gay boys #2. I actually know the one in the white baseball cap is bisexual. We shall call him Jim. The other we shall call Franky. Jim has a wife but she lets him do what he wants on the side as long as he keeps buying her furs and diamonds. Franky is on his 3rd exhusband. They keep throwing his alcoholic ass out of the house.

Random "straight" boys. The one in the blue shirt is John. I know that. He introduced himself and I talked to him Thursday night as well. The one in the striped shirt we'll call Cliff. We'll pretend that they really are straight (they did say that, but you know you can't trust everything you hear). Cliff has been looking for love in all the wrong places. Most obviously since he is in a gay bar. John has 2 kids from 2 different women. He is a playa.

V and the lesbians. Amy in the middle and AJ on the end. Amy and AJ have known each other for 9 years and been together for 4 months. AJ is a basketball coach. I learned far more about them than anyone should know on a first meeting, but whatever. I think lesbians are like that.

Joanne and the lesbians. I think this one speaks for itself.

And finally, Joanne at the end of the night. The beautiful pink dye on my shirt and pants are courtesy of Heather. The glass she is pretending to spill is actually club soda that we got from the bar to try to get the red out. It didn't really. She originally spilled an entire cosmo. How sad is it to spill a whole drink? OH MY GOD, I just realized I walked all through QFC like that. With no coat to cover up. That's so drunk and trashy.
**The backstories on everyone except the lesbians and the real name of John might be fictitious. I might have made them up to make the stories a little more interesting.
Heather totally spilled that drink on you on purpose because you were flirting with her man.
Did one of those lesbians kiss you on the lips?
Cute! Looks like a good time was had by all.
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