Friday, April 21, 2006

Date of death?

Michelle & I were talking yesterday about dying and if you had the chance to know the exact date you were going to die, would you want to know the date. My answer was no. As in hell no. So this prompted further discussion of course. Michelle is very organized, she would totally want to know. I think I would always feel like that was hanging over me and prevent me from really enjoying life. She then asked if I wouldn't want to change anything about my life if I knew I was going to die next year. I thought about it, and realized that there isn't really anything I would want to change. I would maybe travel more and see the destinations I wouldn't ever get to see. But I would also pull back a lot from people who know me and I wouldn't get involved with new people because of the loss (both to me and them).

So the question du jour is: Would you want to know when you were going to die?


Peeved Michelle said...

My answer is yes, as you mentioned, plus I would like to know how. If the date were soon, I would certainly quit this job and spend much more time in the sun.

Jodi said...

No and mostly for the same reasons you listed.

Rachel said...

No way, no how. I try to live life to the fullest anyway, and it would totally "hang over my head" if I knew when I was going to die.

Mind Sprite said...

No thanks, I think I'd rather be surprised.