Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I was unkind to someone today and that bothers me. However I'm also stubborn so this creates a bit of a problem for me. I don't like to be unkind, if I can avoid it, however I'm really unwilling to make up for this unkindness. Perhaps I can balance it with being kind to someone else that I don't want to be kind to. Oh hell, I already do that. :)

In unrelated news, my throat is starting to hurt. If I'm getting a different sickness now that I'm mostly over the sickness of last week I'm going to be unhappy. Very very unhappy.


Jodi said...

Hang in there and I hope your throat feels better soon.

Unknown said...

Sometimes (most times, if you ask me - but I'm just mean like that!) unkindness is really warranted and justified.

Mind Sprite said...

I'm with sheesh. Most times I am unkind to someone, they were asking for it. I still feel guilty about it, but usually not enough to make it up.

Hope your throat feels better.

Kate the Peon said...


Cindy-Lou said...

ooooo, karma.....

Peeved Michelle said...

I am not sure that it was unkind because these are synonyms for unkind and it definitely wasn't that bad: barbarous, brutal, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, cruel, hard-hearted, harsh, hateful, heartless.