Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I never realized how tiring it is being 'on' all the time but damn today I was and it wiped me out. The morning started early enough - 5:30 and then I was out of my apartment by 6:50 to catch a bus downtown to a class. Luckily I allowed for extra time as the damn Chinese president's visit was causing major traffic malfunctions and I had to change busses downtown (which normally I wouldn't since the bus I was on would go all the way to where I needed to go) and a trek that would've taken me about 30 minutes to walk took me 50 minutes by bus. So that kind of sucked. Got a ride to work with my boss headed straight to an interview. Then orientation. Then lunch. Then about 45 min at my desk and then another interview. And on and on. I was in meetings for +5 hours of my 7.5 hour workday. AND we didn't find a good payroll candidate so I may have to go through this all over again. Sigh.

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