Tuesday, December 30, 2008
So sleepy
One weird thing about Michelle's house... she doesn't have a clock in most of the rooms. At home I have a minimum of one clock per room (except the bathroom because, well that's just weird). Here there isn't one in the family room, the tv room, the bedroom I'm sleeping in. I had to go get my cell phone so I could know what time it was. I'm sure there's actually reasons for some of them... the room I'm sleeping in is about to become Kenna's big girl room so when it gets changed she may put a clock in it (although I don't actually think there's one in her current room either). Maybe I'm just obsessed with time. :) Actually at one point yesterday, I was almost positive it was at least noon and I checked the time and almost cried because it was only like 9:30. That would be a big red flag that I'm not meant to be a stay at home mom. :)
Otherwise the weather is beautiful. Kenna and I went outside twice yesterday and I was totally too warm in my thin sweater. There's no snow on the ground (although when we went to Palmdale to return the lesbian blouses I did see some very small patches of very dirty brown snow along the freeway). And so far a good time is being had. What a nice way to spend Christmas break.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Goals for the New Year
I took back most of the tops from my mom and got $77 in Dillards store credit. Luckily they allow you to use it online. Unluckily I think their sizes either run small or accurate because the shirts I tried on were uncomfortably tight in places they shouldn't be. Or maybe that was the style and they were supposed to be tight. I don't know. We had to drive out into the middle of nowhere to go and return stuff.
Anyway, goals for the new year...
1 - No more credit card use starting in February. (It has to be February because from paycheck to paycheck is 6 weeks in January because of the length of January and because we got paid before Christmas).
2 - Take my damn pills every day so my hand stops looking like I have the pox. Since I'm not as careful as I should be with my dietary restrictions I still sometimes get some exposure to gluten and that causes me to break out periodically. I take a daily pill that takes care of that but can't remember to take it every day anymore. Suddenly I have started taking them maybe once a week and I take like 4 at a time. But usually I only remember to take them because my right hand has started to break out. Hence my hand looks like I have the pox.
3 - Finish cleaning my apartment and keep it that way. I'll give it a try. It doesn't usually work out. :)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My mother thinks I'm a lesbian
In other news, Leavenworth is gorgeous. I'll post pictures when I get around to getting them off the camera. The bus ride was okay and fairly uneventful. Vancouver was a brief trip surrounded by interminable car rides. We spun out on the freeway coming home and went to a hotel to spend the night and get off the freeway. We went to a hotel in Burlington, a Fairfield I think. It was really nice and definitely worth the bucks we spent. In contrast, I'm not 100% certain the hotel we stayed at in Leavenworth was worth it.
Today we got back from Leavenworth (after deciding to spend an extra night) and went to dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We also went to the movies - Seven Pounds. I did not really enjoy it honestly.
Hopefully I will be on a plane on the 26th to CA. (I say hopefully only because due to weather many of our flights have been fucked and there is a slim possibility I may get stranded.)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Let it Snow
We're off to Vancouver BC tomorrow. I'm excited to go. Tomorrow we're going to Leavenworth via Greyhound. We'll spend the night there. It should be beautiful. I'm pretty excited by that too.
Wednesday we're going to Stephen's for Christmas eve dinner and we're going shopping. And then she goes home on Thursday. Hopefully we'll get the Christmas presents before Christmas and so I won't have to send Mandy's on to Florida.
Again my mother insisted she send them a way that requires my signature. What part of I'm not home during the day to sign for packages is confusing to her?? I thought they were going to redeliver yesterday but they didn't. They may on Monday. I don't know. So peeved by that.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sometimes I need a man
Also it is completely unenvironmental and uncharitable of me, but I threw the blanket she died in in the trash. The blanket was already pretty foul. It had been my sister's and I don't know the last time it had been washed. It sat in the back of my closet for the past 6 years.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Grocery Store Fail
Unrelated I feel like I'm clenching my jaw/teeth too much. I wonder why I do that.
Unrelated to that, I have to make an appt for my annual exam. They have been calling and sending letters and all that because it has been over 2 years. Well the PA I used to see left the practice which is fine I didn't especially like her, but they want me to see my PCP for the exam. It is completely irrational I know but I really don't want her to do it. I need a separate 3rd party checking all that out, not somebody I see for all the other stuff in my life. I know, neurotic and irrational. Add to the list of neuroses, I think I have to have a lady lady parts doctor, I don't think I want a guy poking around. And she has to be old. :) Hmm... I wonder if Group Health can accommodate all that.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
I accomplished 1 thing today.
So I walked to get tacos for late lunch and bought some CLR and then also foaming pipe snake. One of those was going to work goddammit. I used the CLR power plumber and although I probably used all 15 applications in this one drain it cleared the drain. FINALLY. Now it's time to cook dinner and contemplating changing the sheets yet again. I'm so over that. Of course since I took the water I was scooping out of the sink and dumped it into the tub my tub is probably now clogged. Sigh.
Also I love the Pogues. I was just watching PS I love you and they have several Pogue songs. They're awesome.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
My feet are cold
I've got a lot of charity shopping to do in the next couple of weeks. Stephen and Ben and I are going to buy presents for a couple kids off one of the giving trees at the mall. My department is working with other departments and we've adopted a family. Since I'm arranging it, I've assigned my department the mom. Buying for the kids is generally easier than for the adult I think. I still have to buy for Michelle and her husband and her mom and one more present for my dad. I have to wrap all the presents and get them together for shipping. Oh crap and I have to exchange one of the ones I bought for my niece (she has both a birthday and Christmas around the same time so I have to buy both).
I am getting excited about the break. Well not the part where my sister visits (only because I'm not done cleaning and not the part where she visits. I am excited for her to visit but my genuine lazy nature is really fighting my desire not to reveal my true messy nature - heh like she doesn't know... :) ) She wants to go to Vancouver and to Leavenworth. That should be fun I think. I also have to get off my ass and buy my plane ticket for CA. Each day I procrastinate I'm guaranteeing the price is going up. Sigh. Actually, I once read on Farecast.com that the best time to buy a ticket is about this time of night on a Wednesday and they are totally right. I just found a nice cheap ticket for Burbank although Michelle might hate me since the return trip leaves at 8:00 AM. But when I was looking earlier this week, it was going to be about $350 for the ticket. Now I'm paying $250. Yay. Ticket purchased. So on my list to do before 12/21:
1 - Clean the apartment. Seriously.
2 - Purchase presents for Michelle, husband of Michelle and charity
3 - Arrange for Tess & Rigby to stay at the vet tech's for the week I'm gone.
4 - Clean the apartment. Did I mention that?
5 - Haircut on Saturday the 13th
6 - Charity shop with Stephen & Ben
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thoughts on a long and totally wasted weekend
Lyday and I went to Thanksgiving dinner at Black Angus. We did not eat turkey but had steak instead. Yum yum. We did have the worst waitress ever possible. The people in the booths around us came got served so much quicker than we did and not all of them were doing the Thanksgiving special. Lyday's friend paid which was very nice. We went and saw Four Christmases after. It was pretty funny. I enjoyed it.
Yesterday Lyday and I hit the sales. We were out at 4:45 in the morning. I finished everyone's shopping except Michelle, Kenna and Bryan and my parents. My parents are difficult. My mom actually provided a list this year which is refreshing. She rarely does. My father's included one thing - slippers. Crikey. I did get a few things for me. I picked up this scrap book that I've been coveting for a long time. I had a 50% off coupon for Joann's fabrics. Now I actually have to do the project. Sigh. :)
After a nap and a shower, Stephen and I went to get him a tattoo. I liked his artist. I may let her do my next one. I haven't figured out what or where it will be though. Although I still want to get one in Ireland so maybe that'll be my next one. Commemorate turning 35 with a tattoo. :)
Tomorrow I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn and bundle up and go to volunteer for The Seattle Marathon. I did that a few years ago and didn't really enjoy doing it but I got an email that they needed like 200 volunteers or next year they wouldn't get to do it and I felt sad for them. I do enjoy watching the marathoners, but the organizers never have enough people to do breaks for people or to end our shifts at reasonable times. I think this year I will bring with me a book, perhaps my nintendo, my chair from the basement and definitely enough snacks.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Brownie Fail!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Two thousand two hundred thirty seven posts...
Yes people, today is the 5 year blogiversary of my life. Isn't that exciting? And while I've been doing Peeves of Yore over at the Peevery for awile now I'm not doing a Joanne of Yore. I'm pretty sure there are a few things I would rather not remember but I will provide a few links to posts I love. :)
Here's my first ever post. Wherein I realized it was 113 days until I turned 30. Now... 113 days until I turn 35. Should I be freaking out? (That does mean it is 113 days until my birthday... mark your calendars.) (Although I could be celebrating it in Ireland. I haven't figured that out yet.) (Also I don't really love this post, but it is the first one ever so that's kind of cool). I used to drink a lot then, and I'm a little horrified by my early posts.
Five years ago, I also gave up my beloved car. Sigh. Also notable, I had, albiet for a brief time, a guy to be seeing. That was kind of nice. I met his parents which was a first for me. It is better to not have relationships go that long I think. :)
My most favorite post ever came three years ago in 2005. I'll just let you read it and revel in its total awesomeness. I've never tried another April Fool's Joke because none could ever touch this one. It is the comments that make it. :)
In rereading old posts, I spent many months (years?) pining over a crush that didn't pan out. Dang.
Some of the old posts make me sad. Sigh. some don't. Yay. But whatever. Hopefully I'll do this another 5 years. Or maybe not. :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
More Music I love
I picked up 2 Pogues CDs. I love Shane McGowan's kind of scratchy throat singing style. I started listening to them in college because I had a crush on a guy in one of my classes who loved them. I started listening to them so we had something in common. Little did I know I'd like them. :)
I also picked up some books. Yay books! I bought the book The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It is a YA read and really good. I saw a preview for the movie when I went to see Happy Go Lucky (I think). I looked it up on IMDB and discovered that it does end the way the book does which makes me happy. I hate it when movies change books significantly and I think changing the ending could be construed as a significant change.
I also picked up In The Woods. We'll see how that goes. I'm only a short way in.
Sunday I volunteered at the Winter Pineapple Classic. I'm totally volunteering for that again next year. It was fun. (Although I grew hoarse cheering on the racers). I spent a few minutes before the race chatting with a totally my type guy... who volunteers. How awesome... that is until he said he was volunteering with his girl friend. Such is the story of my life. :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
ODing on Blue October
Totally unrelated sometimes I hate people. In general. None specifically. Ok well one specifically. Ok well I don't HATE him but he massively irritates me. It's a work person not a non work person so don't get paranoid Stephen. :)
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Happy Go Lucky - A review
Anyway, I liked Happy Go Lucky. I liked that British film makers don't use such uberhot stars the way we do (although her love interest, Tim, was pretty yummy). I liked Poppy's infernal cheerfulness, but also that we got to see her heart. She wasn't one sided or naive. (I especially hate the types of movies that show the eternally happy person as naive as though only bitter cynics have any kind of head on their shoulders). I relate to Poppy. She is making a conscious choice to be happy and let things go. I can appreciate that. Even though I sometimes fail at it, I try to be as happy as I possibly can. The reviewers talk a lot about character study and all the onion peeling of the movie, I just say I liked it and it was well worth the 10 bucks I spent to see it. (Although I will concede that at one point it did get a bit too wandery for me and I did start to wonder how long the movie was) One thing I did think was that I really wanted to find a trampoline class to take. I don't think we have those here.
Monday, November 03, 2008
My Current Fear (and the only political post I'll do this year (I think))
In a wholly only sort of related thought, I would like to start an initiative to ban attack ads from playing on TV and radio. I'm going to have to study Tim Eyeman (I know that's wrong I don't feel like looking it up) and figure out how to do this. I'm sure it will be unconstitutional (that never stops Tim Eyeman), but somehow I bet I could get it passed easily.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Massively disappointing
On the not disappointing front, Lyday and her friend S and I went to PYOP. I still love PYOP and I think I am actually getting better at it. I painted a cute bowl with a snowflake inside and just little white dots on the outside. I hope it turns out well.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
All Done
Two stories of my dumbness
The 2nd story even worse... I have an almost pathelogical need to not do dishes. I loathe them so I've hit upon a brilliant idea. I'll use ziploc baggies when mixing simple mixes rather than a mixing bowl. Then I don't have a bowl to wash! Yay! So last night I was mixing up a cake mix in my big ziploc baggie. I had added everything and then I opened it just a bit to let the air out to make it easier to mix (I've done this before.). I didn't realize that the other end of the zip opened as well so I just zipped the part I opened and started to mix again and blup... chocolate cake all down the front of my pants and on the floor and on my leg. There was, however, still enough to make my cupcakes so that's all that matters, right? :)
Monday, October 27, 2008
All must be forgiven
The other thing that fascinated me... the parents who dressed up. There was one woman there rocking a skin tight harlequin suit and full make up. I kind of admired her, although I sure as hell couldn't wear a skin tight harlequin suit. :) Ever.
This year I volunteered both days from 9 - 6. There were also about 11 other volunteers... all from the local high school who knew each other. It was slightly weird. Me and 11 sophmores. They were nice kids and several of them did it last year so I remembered them. It was a good time as a whole.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Poor Tesster
Monday, October 20, 2008
Just download the whole thing
Also, the other day I was in the car and heard this song and I was thinking the artist sounded familiar but (despite their promise to always announce the artist and song) when the song ended and the next one ended, the dj didn't say who the artist was. Luckily I went to the End's website and they had this little thing where I could search for the time I heard the song and when I saw the list of music during that hour I knew who it was without even hearing a sample of the song. It was the Foo Fighters. I do love them. Not more than Pearl Jam, but a lot. And, unlike Pearl Jam, I have seen them live.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Howling at the moon
There has been a dog howling outside my apartment for the past several hours. It's so hard to tell, though where noise is coming from in the city, though, since it all echos around the buildings. Could be really far away or could be in the scary park behind my apartment. Either way I'm not going to check, but it is quite annoying.
Every year I think about going to the Nutcracker done by the Pacific Northwest Ballet. Every year I don't because I think I don't want to spend the money. Maybe this year I'll change my mind. Probably not. :)
I hate negative campaign ads. They are almost enough to make me either not vote or vote for the other candidate. Most likely not vote at all since both sides do it. The part that I think bugs me the most, I've noticed that there are a lot fewer "I approve this ad" spots so half these negative ads aren't even necessarily sanctioned by the candidate they are supporting. It kind of makes me wonder if they've been 'approved' by the candidates anyway. Or else if the candidate could ask the sponsors not to show them. I wish just one candidate would not stoop to negative ads and attacking the opponent in the debates. Maybe it could revolutionize the whole process. I couldn't care less about what your opponent has failed to do or what terrible things s/he may or may not have done (and let's be honest 9 times out of 10 of the claims the attack ads make are exaggerated). I want to know what the candidate is going to do.
I think there's an indy movie about to be released I want to see. I know that's shocking since in general I hate indy films, but this one looks like something I can get behind. It is called Happy Go Lucky. It starts next week at the Harvard Exit Theater. Yay.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
To Cover or Not To Cover
Monday, October 13, 2008
TV On the Bubble
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Fuddy Duddy
1 - I don't like Pink Floyd at all.
2 - I don't get this synchronizing thing. I think MAYBE there were three spots that matched up with the movie, but that seems tenuous at best.
3 - About 1/2 way through I got cold... COLD and by the "encore" I was shivering a little bit.
4 - I found the whole thing kind of boring and maybe if I was a stoner I would've found it more entertaining.
5 - It has been a REALLY long time since I saw Wizard of Oz. I didn't recognize almost any of the beginning of the movie. But it hasn't encouraged me to see the movie either. :)
6 - I think Toto was a Norwich Terrier and if I believed in owning pure bred dogs, I would totally get one because I think they are insanely cute.
New Hair!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Date with destiny
I'm a tiny bit worried about Tess's visit. I have noticed when petting her that she feels much thinner than she used to. You know how when you have an OLD pet, they start getting that weird thinness happening. I think (although could be wrong) Tess is starting to get that thinness.
My sister is coming to visit during Christmas. She wants to go to Vancouver. She has to go back on like Christmas or the day after... maybe Christmas since I think she said she has to go to work on the 26th. I might actually have to wait to open my presents until Christmas Day. That's going to be hard work for me. :)
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Weigh In

Well and there's always this option. (Kidding, I swear but it is featured on the page I got these styles from and I laugh a little bit every time I see it. Could not be more lesbionic if it tried).
Monday, October 06, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
I can't peeve!
1 - I hate those damn videos that suck you in and then have something pop out or jump up and scream. I hate hate hate them.
2 - I forgot the other one. Sigh.
All the world's a stage
Friday Lyday and I went to see Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist. I thought the movie was funny but my big issue with the movie was that all these kids are high school kids and none of them had any difficulty getting into the various bars and clubs in NYC they were going to. I know kids have fake IDs and what not, but a - these kids look pretty young (Although thanks to IMDB I now most of them actually are over 21.) so I can't believe ALL the bouncers would buy that and b - well, I forgot my b point but there was one. So that was the downer I found for the movie. Plus it just seemed like too much. I know that high school kids are different when I was in high school, but would it have made it so difficult to make them a tiny bit older...19 and 20 maybe?
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Irrational Desire

Isn't it cute??
Do you want to know the worst part? The very worst part? Even if I could find something similar in non-Coach I don't think I would want it because it isn't Coach. What's wrong with me??
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Southwest Convert & Old People
I've been obsessed lately with my index finger on my right hand. The nail is starting to go flat. It is so weird. It was never like that before. A quick google search says I may be lacking in vitamins. I'll have to start up with the multi-vitamin again. Sigh.
I went to this refresher training for my volunteering at the Paramount last night. I was mostly dreading it because I figured it would be one of those "This is what we're seeing everyone doing wrong" type of refreshers. (Clearly certain aspects of my personality will not succumb to my hopeful philosophy of believing in the best). Refreshingly it wasn't. Mostly they were telling us about changes at the Paramount and rah rah we're necessary. That's fine. I was one of the three youngest people in the group of over 25. And we were youngest by at a minimum of 20 years. Here's where I realize I don't really like old people though. In college (and I'm sure Michelle could back me up) old people (heh, when I was 22 old people were like 35 - 40) going back to school never seemed to go back for a physics degree or a mechanical engineering degree. They go into the social sciences fields and that's where I learned to hate adult learners. They always had stories to share that maybe related to something but usually they were just annoying and took away from class time where we needed to learn something and not just anecdotal evidence about how the special education system in the district sucks. I share this because old people are like adult learners. They share stories that don't matter and seem to ask questions that have nothing to do with what's being discussed. Or if they do, it is just the same stuff over and over. Yes sometimes the paid staff are short with the volunteers. Whatever. Get over it. The guy just said he's working with them on that so we don't need to keep rehashing that point. Amusingly enough, there was an old lady in front of me who clearly does not suffer fools. She kept making comments to herself wishing everyone would just stop asking stupid questions so we could just get done with this. I kind of dug her.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Not responsible
Isn't that always the way
Also my bank officially failed on the same day I activated my new debit card. Coincidence? Yeah probably. :)
Friday, September 26, 2008
My bank failed yesterday. Yesterday I felt bad for me because this means my checking account will probably change. Luckily I don't have credit cards or a mortgage through them because that will definitely change. Today I feel bad for the employees. I wonder if it is easier or harder to go to work today... the uncertainty is gone but has probably been replaced with a different uncertainty. That was the hardest thing about working at homestore for me... when we started to hit the skids I hated how uncertain everything was. I also hated, since I worked in HR, knowing before others who was getting laid off and who wasn't. Especially since I knew these people, you know.
Final fail... this morning I was walking to work wearing a greenish sweater. I was reading my book while walking and realized I had worn this sweater already this week. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal, but there was a spot of taco sauce on my sweater. I turned around and walked home. Sigh. I did think it was amusing, though that while I was walking and reading another woman was walking up my street while reading. A kindred spirit so to speak. :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Potential plan
What to do... What to do...
Another option would be go visit the fam. Last Thanksgiving wasn't too terrible. We survived it without incident which is an improvement over the last time I visited them. I didn't want to kill anyone. But Black Friday was not the same kind of fun (even though they tried... they did pick up paint by number kits) but somehow Pep Boys isn't the same as Mervyns. I wonder if I could convince my family to stay in a hotel Thursday night so we could shop in Tucson on Friday morning... Probably not. :)
I have also considered going away for the weekend. I think it might be neat to go to a state or national park and rent a yurt or cabin (both are heated) for the long weekend. I would want to go to one that is near someplace I haven't been before so I could go do little day trips to see things nearby.
I don't know and since my default on that is to do nothing, I'll probably do nothing and spend 4 days sitting on my couch until I grow moss. :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Do the Puyallup

Something I do like
Monday, September 22, 2008
Never Listen to Morons
I'll get to that. First I poured beer on Friday night for the Fremont Oktoberfest. The money raised benefits the Fremont Chamber of Commerce. Mostly I like pouring beer at these events. I get to flirt and just have a good time. And Friday was mostly like that. The only downer was that I was assigned to a truck that had taps and so we would pour the beer into pitchers and then pour the beer to the people from the pitchers. That seemed to take a lot more time and slow down the process. It was probably easier for the brewery liasons though since they didn't have to frequently mess with the kegs to make them pour correctly. (Which can happen if the CO2 gets off or if there's not enough ice in either the box or in the tub with the keg or if the keg is empty). At the end of the night, I was getting ready to pour out a pitcher and there was one guy trying to get me to give him what was left in the bottom. I couldn't since it was past the time and his cry of despair was heartwrenching. Poor guy. (Luckily it didn't rain on Friday night.)
Saturday I attended a 1st time homebuyer class. WA has programs but they require a certificate and you have to have attended a seminar in the past 2 years. My last one lapsed. I found my previous seminar a lot more helpful than this one, but this one was okay. The guys presenting it were much more personable and funny so it balanced out in a weird way.
In the evening I volunteered for the Light The Night walk with the Leukemia & Lymphoma society. I was to work with another person as a sweeper. Basically we followed behind the whole group walking around Greenlake (or is it Green Lake?) (I think it is Greenlake) and pick up litter and directional signs and the like. Here's where I should know never to listen to morons. The guy I was paired up with and I start out around the lake. At the very beginning of the walk is a huge line of signs memorializing various people. E, the guy, looks at the signs and says we should pick those up. I say, no, B the event organizer said there were no signs to get. We go back and forth on this for a few minutes before I finally give in because he's done this before and I haven't. Also, I'm lazy and didn't want to walk all the way back to where B was to ask her so my own lazyness also bites me in the ass. I totally ignore the logic that says come back for these signs after the walk. So we pick up signs. There are like 50 of them and they are stuck into the ground and have pictures taped on them. They look like the rough picture below.... roughly.
So frequently the poster wouldn't cover the bottom rung thing so I could grab that and so most of the signs I carried I carried by the bottom piece but some had that taped over so I couldn't so I carried those signs under my arm. This works pretty well... for a while. And we set off. Part way down our walk I realize this idea isn't working that well because when I see litter I can't stop to pick it up on account of the ridiculous number of signs I'm carrying plus a lantern because it is dark. So we leave it. Also someone has attached a balloon to one of the signs and so as I carry the signs the balloon keeps banging me in the head, but it is all tangled so there's not much I can do about it. And so then we walk. And we walk. And we walk. And every once in a while we stop because E's signs get messed up and he drops a bunch but so far my method is working very nicely. So we get maybe 2/3rds of the way around the 2.8 mile trail and my hands are killing me. They are completely numb because of the angle I've been holding them etc. So we take a pit stop at the boat place. (This map shows Green Lake Park. We started at the upper right of the map where there is a swimmer and a sign for a swimming pool. The boat place is the lower left hand corner. We are walking the inner trail.) E goes to the restroom and I just rest my hands and arms. We eventually begin walking again and now my hands have had it. Even though they felt better about 15 steps in, my hands go numb again. I keep switching hands. I eventually accidentally pop the balloon attached to the sign. I am miserable. And I keep switching how I'm holding the signs so that at one point I end up with one tangled in my hair and another set tangled in my ipod cord. I think we get to about the next little pink picture on the map and I just drop all the signs. I've had it. E keeps swearing we are almost there and I could leave the signs and he could come back for them but I can't do that... so I'm getting ready to pick them up when an attractive Mexican man stops and offers to help. I'm so grateful I could almost cry. He took probably 3/4ths of my signs and we start walking again. He was out walking because he has troubles... he lost his job, his girlfriend broke up with him and his family was pressuring him to go back to Mexico to take care of his mom. We chatted the rest of the way with him holding the bulk of my signs until we reached the end. We take the signs where they need to go and he leaves back into the night. I see B, the event organizer, over by the finish line and I ask her... we didn't have to pick those up did we. No, no we did not. This, my friends, is why you should never listen to a moron!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Male Artist Trifecta
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
True Seattelite
Monday, September 15, 2008
That's a lot of Jesus stuff
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Phantom of The Opera something or other...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Kind of Child-like
So today I went for my bi-annual (does bi-annual mean twice a year or every two years? And if I have to ponder this wouldn't it have been shorter just for me to say my every other year eye exam? Is there a better way to say this??) Anyway... today I went for my bi-annual eye exam. I only go every two years because I can only get new frames every two years so why bother going in the off year? I ordered new glasses. I am not a fun, funky glasses wearer. I am more a thin metal frames similar shape/color every time. I tried on a few fun, funky glasses and I just felt like it made it REALLY obvious I was wearing glasses. I didn't like that. I also tried on a pair of frameless glasses. I don't like that look. I read an article that Sara(h?) Palin is bringing that look back. I still do not like it. I also tried on a couple pairs without the bottom frame. I also do not like that look. Anyway... I'm now having buyer's remorse. I almost called them and said Oh No Never Mind Take It Back!! I think it was because my eyes were totally dilated. How can I know what I'm picking out then??!! (I'm sure it will be fine but I really really love my current glasses and I'm hesitant to change things like that. But the paint is chipping on them and they are two years old) I also find that I ask a lot of questions of the optometrist. I like to know what he is doing and what the various tests tell him. I also like to know how I compare with other people.
I spent the whole afternoon hanging out with Lyday at the hospital. She had outpatient surgery and needed someone to be her 'escort'. I think this is how hospitals have cut back on the over night visits... they just hand you off to friends and family! So while there I asked a lot of questions. I like to know what things are happening and why things are the way they are. We got there at like 1:30. I've never been back into that part of a hospital. It was interesting, however I'm such a hmm... what's the word.. not prude exactly (well that too) but I like my privacy and so this would've driven me nuts! We got to hear all about the guy in the next space's reason for surgery... warts in his rectum. And the guy two cubes away too. Then in the pre-op place the young woman who was having breathing difficulties and they were discussing with her the possibility of an over night stay with this logic "Well it will be the same price if you leave tonight or stay until tomorrow." How crazy. And even while I was in the waiting area... the doctor came out and I heard about this Russian family's female family member who had ovarian cancer. Good news, they got all the cancer and it hadn't spread anywhere else. It all just seemed so not private to me. Also also also... Naked old man ass. I made the mistake of looking up and there it was hobbling to the bathroom. Seriously I can't be admitted to the hospital ever. However Lyday's surgery went well and she was even feeling well enough afterward to go for dinner so that's good.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Such a dad thing to do (although I probably would too)
Monday, September 08, 2008
Jam Packed!
Randomly, I'm watching an old episode of Law & Order SVU and two embryos of a woman were implanted into two different women. One girl died in a car accident and the mom (crazy with grief and positive her kid was still alive) had her daughter's picture aged by an artist. She saw a kid in the park who looked like the aged picture and attempted to kidnap her. So my confusion is why would the two kids look exactly alike? They wouldn't be twins because they were separate eggs. (Of course this is a TV show I'm trying to puzzle through. Sad that is.) (Also, Queens is on the beach?) (Although this episode does have Abigail Breslin and I like her) (Also, Lea Thompson plays crazy very well, but I'm sad that she is relegated to playing roles in Law & Order SVU)
Anyway... sometime this past week Lyday and I were driving around and we went past the zoo. We decided to go today. It was a perfect day for the zoo. The weather was just right and the sun was shining. I took pictures. Eventually I'll post them (maybe). I saw the flamingos which apparently are a big deal (although their enclosure seems a bit small to me but I don't really know too much about flamingos. Maybe they only travel in small areas). We went into the butterfly and blooms exhibit. That's one of my favorites because I just love all the butterflies! We did not go into the bug exhibit. Although in this one exhibit we were looking at snakes and lizards and other cool things when I came across an exhibit of hissing roaches. Those freak me the fuck out. I think it is because when I was little I was visiting my grandfather and he lived in a trailer on the farm. This married couple and their like 5 I think kids had a trailer next to my pappy's. I think the adults worked on the farm and I remember staying the night over there. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and there were roaches everywhere. It scared me so badly I didn't go pee and instead lay back down in the bedroom and stayed awake for much of the night. And on that note, I'm going to bed. Night y'all!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
I am a petty petty person
Stone Temple Pilots Plush from Joanne on Vimeo.
Stone Temple Pilots Interstate Love Song from Joanne on Vimeo.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Photos from Bumbershoot!

Too old for this
Stephen likes to be towards the front for the shows so during STP we were near the front. For future reference, I'm totally going to sit in the seats. :) It was getting painful to be on my feet so much and that was much of my focus. STP started late - about 20 min or so. And we were jammed. Gray sweatshirt guy in front of me kept inching me back. Hearing impaired woman behind me kept inching me forward. It was quite an adventure. When the music finally started it became a little more chaotic. There was a lot of moving around and I ended up getting shoved a variety of ways. That part was unpleasant. Eventually the crowd got equilibrium and although I was smashed I didn't get tossed around again. There was a fat chick behind me who was jumping up and down. Since she was pressed up against my back that was uncomfortable for me. There was a point where I was so squished I thought I could probably pick up my feet and just hang there.
A mosh pit opened up about 3 - 4 people away from us and that was something I hadn't seen before. I am glad the people on the edge really seemed to like where they were because I would not have liked it if the pit had gotten closer. After awhile I was just enjoying the music and that was awesome. There were a bunch of crowd surfers who, if they got to the front of the crowd, got pulled out by security. I kind of liked watching the beefy security guys hauling these kids over the barrier. There was a group of boys who decided to crowd surf backwards. The back crowd was not so adept at holding them up and they kept falling through. One actually fell on me sort of kind of sliding down my body taking my glasses with him as he went. Luckily I grabbed them before they fell totally off or else it would be a long two weeks until I get new ones.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Don't ask the question if you're not sure you want the answer
My older niece is in college now. She started this week I think. I don't know if she got a lot of money from the school or if satan is paying her way, but he promised to pay my nephew's way too this year and apparently that fell through. My pop doesn't know if it is due to satan or due to my nephew. Chris is a bit of a stubborn stubborn boy. He apparently has a weird refusal to fill out a FAFSA to see if he could get other aid. He's an orphan who earns some ridiculous minimum wage working for Target... he should be getting grants up the ass. Silly boy.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Old Age
Sunday, August 24, 2008
They also did a presentation about leukemia and lymphoma and it was a bit sad I suppose in that there have been so many advances in treatment that my sister was maybe 1 - 2 years short of getting the benefit of. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the cancer that killed her, but the graft vs host disease. (although I could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time since despite our Catholicness we are very WASPy in my family what with the not talking about things and all). So if she could've avoided the transplant, maybe she wouldn't have died you know?
So I'm sitting in this event which I went to because I really feel I need to get out and meet more people. Plus you know the dream... the hottie who volunteers right? :) And I'm sitting by my self because most people came with their spouses or with their friends (before you say anything Stephen I didn't invite you for two reasons... 1 - the invite said immediate family only please and you are not immediate family and 2 - how can I meet hottie who volunteers when I'm sitting with you??) and two of the women who work for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society sat with me. Which was nice because the people on one side of me were talking a lot about their own diagnoses and their treatments and the evil little part of me thought, dude, you people are old, why did you survive it? Well, actually the guy sitting catty corner across from me actually was currently in the throes of chemo so technically he hasn't survived it yet. But I digress. So it was nice that these other two ladies sat with me. But of course they asked about why I volunteered and the one offered the relative truism that most people who volunteer for them do so because they have been touched by it. So I said my sister had had it and they asked how she was and I said she died. And I will admit I'm usually rather blunt about the whole thing. I'm not one to say passed away or whatever. She died. Which of course slightly embarrassed the woman and I forget what all she asked but she probably got way more information about the whole thing than she needed. Oh yes because she asked about having kids etc. So all in all it was a mixed bag of experience. Although I did sit and watch the whole Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory movie they showed. I love that movie. Although I'm about 98% certain I dozed off during the part where (ooh actually that just went to 100% as I try to think about this) Violet goes all the way to the Wonka Wash. Hee.