Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Inside the Actor's Studio

Vladdy and I were talking about this the other night while we were out. I've never actually seen the show but he was aghast that the guy actually asks the asanine questions (I think I just spelled that incorrectly... asanine asnine?? who knows) So I found the questions and will share MY answers with you... because after all aren't I just as good as Sharon Stone or Melanie Griffith?? ;) Apparently according to the quiz I'm like Julia Roberts... who knew?

1 - What is your favorite word?
2 - What is your least favorite word?
3 - What turns you on?
4 - What turns you off?
5 - What sound do you love?
6 - What sound do you hate?
7 - What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
8 - What profession would you not like to participate?
I think there may be more but.. I'm just going to go with these. :)
Please feel free to post your own answers...

1 - At this moment? Peanut butter... that's fun to say? spackle (c'mon just say it aloud like 4 times fast it is hysterical)... when blogging? So... I don't know that I could pick only one favorite word!
2 - Cum (HATE IT)
3 - Men? Oh more specific probably... seeing a guy who is great with kids... I don't know what it is but suddenly he is like a million percent hotter.
4 - Smoking
5 - all the cliche's... laughter, the ocean blah blah blah. :)
6 - Anything that beeps repeatedly... alarm clocks, back up sounds on trucks, etc.
7 - I would love to be a painter... even though I have NO artitistic skill ever!! (Why does it have to be anything? Why can't it just be art?
8 - Anything that involved me having to hold or carry or shoot a gun.

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