Sunday, February 22, 2004

Ok, so I'm watching Charmed and the first black guy I've seen since Daryl the cop...was a fucking janitor. A jive talking, older black man full of "down-home" wisdom. His name was Clarence. They redeemed themselves, however, when the guy playing the doctor was black.

Well, I spent most of the weekend with Matthew. We have fun at his place, but when he comes to my place, he just annoys the heck out of me. He's always underfoot here. I turn and he's behind me. I go to reach for something and he reaches for my hand to kiss it, thus knocking my hand off its original path and usually spilling the juice/cereal/noodles/etc out of my hand and all over me or the floor. We're still gearing up for Spring Break in Montreal. Some woman said it was like 10 below there last week.

Wow! Mindy Cohn (aka Natalie from the Facts of Life) is on that show The Help! I can't wait to see it! And I'm axiously awaiting the season finale of the Surreal Life. Boy, my life is boring. I need to get my darts mojo back.

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