Sunday, July 18, 2004

Best 10 Inches EVER!

Would be the new fan I just bought this weekend.  It is a little box fan and it sits in the window of my apartment and just cools everything off so nicely.  V has been encouraging me that a fan would help the outrageous heat my apartment builds up every day because I'm on the 'sunny side' of the building.  Usually I have 2 schools of thought on the fan issue.  I want one but I'm flat broke... or I don't need one it is 55 degrees outside.  Today I decided to break down the fan barrier and buy one.  Actually easier said than done.  Now that my beloved Fred Meyers is leaving the hill, I couldn't get one there.  Bartell didn't have one either.  When walking home, what did I spy?  A display of fans, at Rite Aid.  Yippee!  Only little ones, but it is better than nothing. 
I just watched Bowling for Columbine on Showtime (look, they DO have something worth watching).  It was very interesting.  I cried during the 911 calls from Columbine and the black and white footage of the school cameras.  I think I can get behind his theory about the fact that the US exists in a constant state of fear and this is what causes the US to such a high gun violence rate.   It was alarming to me that in a post 9/11 society (I say that like it wouldn't disturb me in a pre-9/11 society, suffice to say it would) those two boys (both under 18) were able to go into K-Mart and buy all the ammo that K-Mart had that day.   How is this acceptable?  I don't know what a standard hunter would go through in one - two hunting excursions, BUT teenagers can buy ALL the bullets including for handguns that K-Mart has?  I won't stand too long on my soapbox... and I'm sure you can figure out where I stand on this subject.  One of the most traumatic experiences staying with my brother-in-lawwhoIhate (also known as Satan) was opening a closet in the diningroom and seeing something like 6 - 7 rifles.  Then noticing that there was also a handgun on top of a shelf in the living room and upon further exploration another one in their (satan's and my sister's) bedroom.  As a person who has always felt she would never live in a house with guns to find somewhere around 10 of them just casually around was a little disturbing.  It did confirm 2 things... 1 - exbrotherinlawwhoihate is satan and I will NEVER again live in a house with guns. 
Ooh... almost forgot in my rhetoric... V & Matthew (his boyfriend not MattyP) and I went to Bite of Seattle.  It was interesting, but I don't think I'll go again next year.  I really hate crowds.


Peeved Michelle said...

On that Dead Like Me show that you like, what was that girl in before? She looks familiar. I pass two billboards for the show every day on my way to work.

Joanne said...

According to,, she has been in a couple of tv shows but that's about it.

TIMMY! said...

if you're a gun collector the guns should be locked away without a chance of being broken into.

if you have a gun for protection - that is just plain stupid by the time you get the bullets and loadd it but first unlocking the safe...its just dumb

Peeved Michelle said...

She was in Dolores Claiborne. She played Jennifer Jason Leigh's character as a child.