Friday, July 30, 2004

Gay boys & inevitability

Not actually related though...

One of my favorite things about hanging out with gay boys is watching their body language.  Men, in general, aren't subtle... put two of them together ha!  all pretense flies out the window.  They are constantly doing the one over to each other, without any trace of hmmm... I don't know what word I want here but... without any trace of subtlety.  Just the blatant head nod.  And usual eye stop... right there.  At least str8 men can pretend they are kind of looking at your face when they're really glued to the cleavage... but gay boys... can't hide it, they're looking at the package.  It just amuses me. 

inevitability... I was hanging out tonight waiting for the phone to ring... I am volunteering to transcribe some cassettes for a documentary.  The script supervisor was supposed to call this afternoon.  I sat and waited until 7:30, then I left to go out.  Of course... apparently, the phone rang at 7:36.  inevitable. 

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