Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Goals Be Good
So here's my plan of action:
1 - Clean the living room. (I know I talk about cleaning a lot. The truth is, though, that even though I talk about it A LOT, I rarely do it. Currently I have a sewing machine with old mail stacked on top of it and a bunch of library books with I think more stacked mail underneath it. And a bunch of recycling to take out and some other crap in the middle of the living room. I need to be able to move around in the living room to do goal 2.
2 - Work on some core strengthening exercises. I've printed out a bunch of them from the Mayo Clinic website. (Basically I googled trunk strengthening exercises and decided whose site looked the most trustworthy.) Heel/ankle is still swollen all to shit (Like there's a giant egg just sitting on the back of my heel) so I still can't do any wildly aerobic exercise except swimming*. But I think that I need to do some more exercise to strengthen my torso to help with balance and to alleviate some of the back pain I seem to suffer more often than I feel I should. Hence, core strengthening exercise. But I need the space freed up from goal 1.
2 A - here leads me to a question of those who are in the know. Many of the exercises I have on my list suggest not doing this on your hardwood floor, but instead put something down to cushion. Short of buying a gym mat, what do y'all suggest? Towels? A polar fleece throw?
I'll come up with more goals as the ideas swirl around in my head. I'm sure there should be something about WC in my goals... as in by this date I will have either finagled something to do with him or I will give up altogether.
*I am a morning exerciser. After work, I do not want to stick around to do exercises. The pool here at my job opens only 1 hour before I actually have to be at my desk. I don't think that's enough time to exercise, shower, change and get to my desk so I don't swim here.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Trauma & horoscope
All my horoscopes for the day seem to be pointing to good things. I mean I know that it is just a bunch of hooey anyway, but it is nice to read that good things are coming. Even if it is just something to hope for.
Quickie: Isn't it romantic? Get ready for love. It's about to enter your life in a big way.
Overview: Beauty surrounds you, and you know it. Take advantage of it, and soak it all in. Write out what you're feeling if you wish, or just enjoy relaxing in the soft, pleasant glow of life.
Daily love (by pieces of romance are falling into place. You have ideal communication, beauty and the intuition to make them work together. Now all you need is someone special who can really finish off the picture. They're coming.
Daily extended (by's a dandy idea to regularly schedule time to put your feet up and appreciate all the wondrous things that abound in your life from the very smallest joys (caramel-covered apples and multicolored Post-It notes) to the largest (friends, family and nature). So even though you have tons of bubbling energy to spare, give yourself permission to do not a darned thing with it except enjoy the life you have.
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Sunrise over the dunes.
Cooking breakfast 1st morning.
Roommate and I at the Tillamook factory. "I'm not touching you!" :)
Pretty rocks on the drive up to Tillamook.
Coworker cooking the oysters.
Joanne's cool fire!
Friend hanging out in the trunk. She may have had too much to drink. :P
Goonie Rocks!
All of us at the rocks. Roomate, me, coworker and friend.
Goonie house!
Gang at Goonie house! Me, roommate, coworker, friend.
Back from camping! yay!
Friday: Nehalem Bay, OR
We didn't manage to leave Seattle until 4:00. This meant we hit horrible traffic. It took us 2 hours to drive from Seattle to Tacoma. There was some horrible issue in Fife which tied up the freeway forever. We amused ourselves by trying to get coworker to flash men in blue cars. Didn't really work though. We stopped for dinner in Centralia at around 7ish. The place was called Burgerville. Pretty good. We laughed and talked the whole way down, which was a lot more fun than I thiought it would be. I've been a little anxious about much of this trip. I sometimes feel so much older than they are (which I am- 6 years) but it was so good to have girl talk again. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed it. The kind of talk you can't have with a gay man even because really, they don't understand. We got into Nehalem at 10:30. It's so dark way out here. I'm fascinated by all the stars. It's been awhile since I've seen that many. I set up my tent with coworker while roommate & friend set up the other, fancier tent. A bonus I hadn't anticipated... yard sale tent is really easy to put up. :) The sounds way out here are amazing and different. I can hear the ocean as if it were just a few feet away. In the morning I'll find out how near it really is. I can also hear the hushed talking of the other campers. Fires crackling. When we first pulled into the campground, the smell hit me. God I love that smell - wood smoke & green. I miss this. The waves sound like a rain storm and I can smell the salt water mixed in with the woodsmoke. It's about as chilly as I expected, so I'll have to pull on my sweatshirt and quite possibly some socks. I've got a blanket because I'm hoping to not have to sleep inside the sleeping bag. I always feel so constricted inside them. At camp I would put sheets on my bed for the month and use the sleeping bag and moose blanket for warmth, only I should've brought the green 'camping' sweatshirt. I can put the hood up and tie it and it holds the heat in. God I used to get teased at camp for that but damn was I warm! I'm glad I have my tent to myself. I like having my own space. They'll be far warmer, though, lucky ducks. :) Tomorrow we head to Tillamook factory. We're all fairly excited about that. mmm... behold the power of cheese. :) Crap I think I'm almost out of cash.
It is early afternoon and I'm sitting at the picnic table at our campsite by myself. The girls are on the beach lying in the sun. Apropos of nothing, I love how children are able to form these almost instant friendships with each other often based on little more than a similar bicycle or a love of apples. There are a lot of kids in the park. Next to our tent is a couple of dirty hippies with their twin daughters. Mostly the daughters are allright, but they sometimes cry in the night. (Babies) They are freakin' cute though...
Sat Evening:
Today was a long yet fun day. Woke up at 5:30 and wandered around until I found the beach access. The dunes to get to the beach were really difficult to hike up. I got tired and had to stop a couple of times. My feet kept sinking into the sand up to my ankles. My sandals and socks were full of sand when I was done. I took some early morning shots of the beach and walked back to the cabin. I laid in my tent and read for awhile until the girls got up. After a great breakfast of donuts & bacon (for me) and bacon, eggs & rice (for them) we headed to Tillamook OR to see the cheese factory. Yum. Free samples too! We also got ice cream (at like 10:30 in the morning). We came back and had some lunch and headed to the beach. It was still really difficult - worse than slogging through the snow. I dozed off on the beach and now the backs of my knees are sunburned. Is it slightly wrong that I keep thinking that this will help me keep a little bit warm tonight. :) It was seriously cold last night. I had to sleep inside my sleeping bag and zipped up. I hate that! I came back earlier than the girls because my stomach was a wee bit upset and I didn't want to have to make a mad dash across the sand or anything crazy. So I sat at the picnic table and people watched and read my book. We had bought stuff for dinner at the store. I had 2 kabobs and they had oysters and crab. Coworker just put the oysters on the grill without opening them or shucking them or anything. Apparently you can just do that and they open themselves when they're cooked. I never knew that and it was kind of cool. (I might love Mr. Park Ranger right now. He just told the noisy people in the yurt across the way to STFU). Anyway, ate some dinner and toasted marshmallows. All the stuff you do while camping. I'll have y'all know that the Girl Scout leader was able to actually light a damn fire without lighter fluid. Some had been purchased and I was hoping to not have to use it. I lit one but it went out before the logs could really really catch so I had to try again. Third time was a charm - coworker and I got a great fire going. Pine needles make great tinder. I had heard from one of my kids to stuff the chocolate piece into the marshmallow then toast it. She was totally right. It was yummy that way! I sat and watched the fire for awhile, put it mostly out. There were a few embers still going but pretty limited amount. Then turned in. The noisy people across the way were noisy again but quited down eventually.
Best day ever! :) We were up at around 7ish. We had breakfast. Donut and bacon for me and bacon and egg and rice for the girls. (Camping with Asians. Every meal we had with rice.) We packed up everything and headed out. We stopped in Cannon Beach and took pictures of the Goonie Rocks! YAY! (Haystack rock I believe is the real name.) The tide was way out so we walked almost out to the rocks. The water was very cold. There really big crabs in the water and there were kids just catching them. That was kind of cool. We then went to Astoria found Mikey's and Data's house. And as an added bonus we found the elementary school from Kindergarten Cop. Yay! After poking around, we continued on toward home. Ate lunch at Burgerville again. Eventually made it home at about 4:00. I have no clean clothing (and unfortunately the machines were full) so goodness knows what I'm going to wear to work tomorrow. :) But damn it was a good trip and I'm glad I went!
Friday, August 26, 2005
First you gotta do the truffle shuffle!
'Borrowed' from Poppy (Because I'm not feeling creative today)
The coast of Alaska or Washington or Oregon. (or hawaii!) :P
Gray sweatshirt that I wear all the freaking time.
2 by Bjork for Matty for his birthday. For me, Probably Pearl Jam's 10.
Freezer, that's where all the ice cream is! :)
Too many to count! But Bridge to Terbithia is a favorite. I also have Cinderpenguin at home that a student gave me. Very cute.
Winter! Snow! yay! Then Spring. Then Fall. Then summer. I dislike summer.
Um, I can throw 1 ball in the air and catch it while throwing the other ball into the air so if that counts. But anything more than 2, not so much.
Either the sasquatch or Junna my best friend from elementary school.
Sunday because Sundays are for adventures!
No car, so no trunk but carried in my backpack regularly is soda, my wallet, cellphone and mp3 player.
Oh please, Hamburger totally.
Varies depending on my mood. Flourless chocolate torte is high on the list. As is a cupcake from my GF restaurant. or Ice cream. Ice cream is the best fallback.
Bah! Tacos!!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Yay camping!
Poor newlynonvirgin coworker. I warned her. If you're going to have sex, you should make sure you can have a steady supply because after that first time or two you're going to want it a lot. It'll be all you can think about. Today she was saying it is all she can think about. I'm kind of amused. Now she's all curious about various things and wants to check stuff out. Poor girl, though. She is so the boy in this 'relationship.' She just wants to have sex, and he's a serial monogomist. Who ever heard of this in a boy? So weird. She thought he was a player and huge flirt and all that. He isn't. AND he knows she was a virgin. He swears he understands it was a 'right time/right place' thing, but I have to agree with Matty and say he hears it but doesn't believe it. She's in trouble. :)
The new Burger King commercials scare me. The ones with the guys dressed up like chickens in the band. Those are like nightmare furries or something. (hmm how many hits am I going to get off that reference...)
Yay horoscope!
C'mon that's good right? A girl can have hope right?
And to answer Fishy's question, I got the shower curtain from Archie McPhee. My sister finally gave in and got it for me and my mother contributed by buying the matching trashcan and bathmat. :)
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Two more books read
Good Grief made me laugh because Michelle has a link on her site to Jennifer Weiner's site and at one point the cover art for Good Grief was supposed to be for one of Jennifer's books. But the book was pretty good. A woman in her mid 30's loses her relatively new (3 years) husband to cancer and has to learn to cope. I liked it. Some things were a little too pat for me, but you want a happy ending and all that. Some of it was hysterical as hell. I can't imagine how crazy that kind of thing would make me, but I could see myself falling to pieces as badly as Sophie did.
I was really on the fence about Stone Garden, but kept reading. I think I was on the fence because of the whole 'soul mate' concept. A senior in high school finds out that her best friend since kindergarten, 'soul mate', has been murdered. She too goes off the deep end. (What the hell was I thinking when I checked out these books? I had the murdered woman, the cancered husband and then the murdered teenager. And every one of them made me cry although that's not a shock.) She is really trying to cope with the loss of her best friend and the guy she really loved. The one part that required too much of a suspension of belief was that she was doing her senior project at a prison, teaching writing. She really spent a lot of time with the prisoners and I wonder, especially since they were murders mostly, how unlikely was that. Because really, not so likely to me.
Rigby and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
Learn something new everyday
This morning I was in the shower and Rigby was putzing around the bathroom floor. The door to the bathroom doesn't shut well and they can usually knock it open if they try, unless I lock it and since I live alone, why bother with that? The only reason I try to shut the door is that I don't like all the cold air coming in from the rest of the apartment and to try to stave off shower curtain billowing. Anyway, she was climbing around the trash can and ends up sitting on the edge of the tub. You know how the corners of the tub are bigger and people balance like soap and shampoo and all that there? That's where she was. She knocked off the shampoo & conditioner. So then she starts walking down the side of the tub and I figure let's see what happens here. My tub is very rounded, unlike the very square one I had growing up. She slides off it onto the bathroom floor. Now I figure she'll be smart enough to not try this again, right? Wrong. About 45 seconds later she is on the corner of the tub again and then... bam into the tub. Hee. Since I was almost done with my shower, there was some water built up on the floor of the tub so Rig was standing in water. And she kind of wandered around for a few minutes until I think the wetness started to really permeate to her skin through her thick fur. Then she started jumping against the side of the tub to get out. I took pity on her and picked her up and grabbed my towel and dried her off a bit before dropping her on the floor where she proceeded to groom the heck out of her legs and tummy and tail. And then I was able to finish my shower. :) Silly Rigby.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
2 ferrets 4 sale... cheap!
I am done with the Elysian Brewery. Matty & I went there for dinner. This is my 3rd time trying them. Once, long ago, Michelle and her friend Rona and I tried it. It was only eh. Matty & I have been there twice now and I've always been unimpressed. I'm sure it is good for other people, but I don't think it is good. I tried the tostadas this time. The blue corn tortilla was not as good as I know they can be. (Not there, but I know blue corn tortillas are good in general.)
Monday, August 22, 2005
Two years ago, my car was broken into parked and locked in the locked parking garage in my building. The tent I used to use when camping and carried around in beloved Bronco was stolen out of it. (Among other things. Also taken was some soda, apple sauce (I used to eat breakfast in the car on the way to the casino where I worked. You'd be amazed how easy apple sauce is to eat when driving but I digress from my digressing.) and a few other random things I carried around.) So I mention to my pop if he sees a tent on sale or for the next gift giving holiday I could use a new one. Eventually my pop sent me a tent he bought at a yard sale. (This may be why I ask for gift cards from them. Guarantee a non-used item. I'm not above used items, but within reason. I asked for a sleeping bag from them many years ago and they sent me my father's old one. Yes it is sentimental and we had good times in it, but the inside flannel is worn through etc and it is probably over 20 years old now...) So tonight, I figured I would set up the tent in anticipation of going camping this weekend with the girls. I wanted to be sure I could do it and that all the parts were there. They are more or less. There are 4 tent poles. At least they're in pairs and it isn't 4 completely different tent poles. This tent uses only 2 poles and one short pole for the rain fly. No rainfly tent pole at all. Sigh. But I was able to put it up. All by myself. It smells old and musty. If I had a back yard I could leave it outside all day to air out, but I'd rather not do that here. I don't think it'd get stolen, but one never knows.
All the little parts neatly on the table.
Hmm. 2 sets of poles. 2 different lengths. Which to choose? I tried the slightly shorter black ones and they worked fine. I suspect the gray may work even better.
Here it is up! Loosely up but up! I kind of like the top that's all open. I may not put the rain fly on if I don't have to.
Here it is with the rainfly. I've just draped it over. There are hooks to tack it down.
What's wrong with these instructions? Ahh yes. It is for a different tent. A hexagonal tent, not the square tent mine is.
Lesbians aren't so special
Oh, and I'm vaguely sorry I had to add that word thing for commenting, but I'm sick of spam comments. 2 in the span of an hour showed me the way. Well, technically Poppy Cedes showed me the way, the 2 in the span of an hour encouraged the way.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Fait accomplis
Pepper jam recipes?
My own strength
Friday, August 19, 2005
Fuzzy bunnies
Tess in the cage. She is littler than Rigby and has a black nose.
Rigby sleeping. And part of Tess's back. The rest of her body is hidden under a chair. For some reason she loves to sleep under the chair.
WWWW (World Wide Weasel Wrestling).
A few matty birthday pics
Matty & Rachel. Rachel & Matt play darts together on Thursday nights. She's also in a band and I think I'm going to go see them play a week from Tuesday.
Just before blowing out candles. Take note of the shape of the cake... Actually the next shot will give you a much better view.
Hacking into the cake. Getting rid of some pent up aggressions you think?
Matt & Adrienne. He has such a way with the ladies...
Matt & Vlad. (And with the men...) Actually that's the infamous Vlad, we all went to college together.
* I am slowly losing my fear of gaggles of drunk lesbians as I spend more time with them. Apparently lesbians in lesbian bar (on non crowded nights, I still ain't going in there on a Friday night) are much more mellow than lesbians in a gay man's bar. (Which is where I've been manhandled by lesbians several times despite in one incident assuring the woman I'm straight. That didn't seem to faze her.) I'm well aware that the gays as a whole aren't out to convert all of us straights, but there are a distinct few who are. For at least 1 guy I know, it's a bizarre badge of honor he wears at how many 'straight' boys he's had. Plus I'm going into a lesbian bar, there's kind of an implication there.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Somewhere I belong
Danbury, Connecticut
Eugene, Oregon
Corvallis, Oregon
Hartford, Connecticut
Williamstown, Massachusetts
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
Medford, Oregon
Worcester, Massachusetts
Johnson, Vermont
Salem, Oregon
Middlebury, Vermont
Providence, Rhode Island
Northampton, Massachusetts
Burlington, Vermont
New Haven, Connecticut
Amherst, Massachusetts
Bend, Oregon
Brattleboro, Vermont
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Portland, Oregon
Andover, Massachusetts
Astoria, Oregon
Woodstock, Vermont
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Naming things
Hearing things
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Nap in the sun
I am this close to finishing a book and it is killing me that I had to come to work today instead of finishing. It's killing me that I have* to volunteer tonight instead of finishing. I was up until 1:00 this morning reading it. This morning when I got up, after I showered, instead of getting ready for work I sat down and read. I have been sucked into Speak Softly She can Hear. I picked it up at the library on Monday night because I was waiting on Matty to go to dinner. I had read 75 pages by the time he showed up about an hour later. (I was there early having come from my chiropractic appointment and he was running late due to a new hippie tenant.) It's a psychological thriller (Voltaire! I hate that phrase) about a girl who makes a bet with her friend and they decide they are going to lose their virginity to this guy her friend knows. An incident happens that night, and all 3 of them end up burying a dead body out in the snow. The guy convinces Carole (main character) it was she who killed the woman. And spends the rest of the book tormenting her with this info. She keeps running away (to protect herself and her family. The guy tells her that her father will be ruined if it were ever to be found out... the dad is an attorney). He keeps finding her and screwing with her life so she runs again. On the one hand you kind of know the guy's version of the story isn't right, but at the same time you are wondering, if not then what the hell did happen. And once she finally spills the secret to her live in boyfriend, you just feel this great sense of relief for her. I think I have 2 chapters left. I may have to be rude at lunch today and read while the cult of the virgins talk around me.
*I don't HAVE to volunteer tonight. I choose to volunteer tonight. I made a commitment yesterday that I'd go there today and I don't want to back out even though I'm dying to finish this goddamn book.
Last night on GSN (Game Show Network) was the conclusion of Season 3 of The Amazing Race. I can honestly say that if this were the first season I had ever seen of the show I'd never have watched it again. The very worst possible people won. (Person actually, her partner wasn't that awful although kind of passive.) My favorite team, of course, did not win. I did get all excited, though, for 2 reasons. 1 - Part of the leg they were in Oahu and I recognized part of their location, although not most of it. Mostly the driving bits. 2 - They ended in Seattle so I recognized a lot more of their location and that made me happy. It doesn't take much sometimes, really.
Another book
Over the weekend I finished The Genius Factory: The Curious History of the Nobel Prize Sperm Bank. Another really good read. Dr. Graham (the brain behind the Nobel Prize Sperm Bank) may have been a complete loon (and partially a racist but nowhere near as bad as the most notorious of his donors a William Shockley who was one step away from the KKK I'm sure), but he completely revolutionized the way people are able to have choice at sperm banks in this country. There was some history about both artificial insemination and sperm banks in general. I found that somewhat fascinating. There was a lot of discussion about the backlash Graham faced as a result of only recruiting champions in their field. (Gold medal winners, business men, geniuses) But at the same time, these days, if a person is going that route, most people want the best sperm money can buy. Healthy, intelligent, handsome, etc. He then also talked to some of the donors and some of the kids. Unfortunately at least one donor turned out to be a total waste. Not a genius, and really just an ass and kind of an awful guy. And in one notable story, he matched a donor up to his acutal child and the mom and child and donor all spend time together and they regard the donor as more of a grandfather figure which seems to work for them all.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Volunteer moratorium over
Since my volunteer moratorium was only technically for the summer (and I've already violated it multiple times) and the summer is almost over, I've gone ahead and started signing up for volunteer opportunities for the fall. The first up (besides starting my Girl Scout meetings again) will be the Oktoberfest in Fremont. I regularly volunteer for the spring brewfest that supports the Northwest Folklife Fest (another thing I volunteer for) and decided to give this one a go. The spring brewfest is pretty fun so I'm hoping this one will be too. If it isn't, no harm, I just won't volunteer again. :) I'm also considering picking up assistant duties with another Girl Scout troop. Not that I would be their leader but there's so many kids they need helpers. It's for kids in foster care so how could I pass that up? I have to think on this one a little longer, though. To be sure I want to do it, because I definitely wouldn't want to start and then have to back out.
Oh and as a last little tag on... spent like 15 - 20 min chatting with WC again. I think he is completely oblivious to my obvious lust for him but I can keep lusting. And as Michelle pointed out to me, even if nothing ever happens there, he's good practice for others.
I went to a chiropractor today. Now ordinarily I am whole heartedly against chiropractors. (Sorry Freemindsprite) But I'm sick of being in pain and grumpy as hell and desperate for something to make it better so with that mindset, I go to a chiopractor. She's very nice, but a wee bit hippie. Here's the first lesson of hippies, they are not on time. It was 5:50 before I was seen for my 5:30 appointment. But that was okay because I was SWELTERING from walking up there so it was nice to cool down and not be a total ball of sweat. Chiropractic adjustment was an interesting experience. She went down my back and pushed different points looking for pain. She had me move all different ways. AND she did the scoliosis test. (Ha!)* Apparently I have good range of motion. So then I was starting to get worried because I have pain but nothing she's doing is making me have pain so is it all in my mind? But then she moved me a couple of different ways that totally confirmed it was not. So ok this part is actually useful because it seemed like she was accomplishing something and not like normal doctors. But here's where she lost me. She thinks it is definitely not a reinjury of my disc (which is fine I didn't actually figure it was). But it is a 'shadow' of the pain from then? What? Weird. Then she has me lay down and does all these different pushing things. She concentrated a lot on my pelvis because she was trying to 'rebalance' it. Again with the what? Mostly fine, though, except one spot that made me yelp because it was too much pressure on my chest. The worst part... I'm actually feeling better. Dammit! Although I'll know for certain when I try to get up in the morning. But, I can't be against chiropractors if she actually helped! AND I'm going back on Friday.
*I was having nervousness about going and could only remember seeing the chiropractors at the fair asking people to bend over and crap. I asked Michelle if they ask you do something like that and she didn't know. And then I said, or was that the scoliosis test in elementary school? And we both laughed. So when she had me bend over I asked her if that's what she was looking for, and it was!
Monday, August 15, 2005
Vacation destination Orbitz
Vacation destinations:
1 - China
2 - Japan
3 - Switzerland
Sunday, August 14, 2005
What's wrong with this picture?
Another guilty pleasure
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Quest for the Perseid
1 - I didn't have a plan so I didn't really have a good place to go. I just drove out the freeway and pulled off about 3 different areas to try to view the stars. There was a great view of the stars, the sky was dark and I could see them very clearly. But...
2 - The different spots I chose had too much tree cover. There was quite a bit of space between the trees, but mostly straight up. I had no way of looking around the sky. When my family and I used to go out to veiw the meteor shower when I was little it was never a problem. Of course we lived in Arizona and we had wide open skies. I had just taken it for granted that I'd find that again. Not so much.
But I think the biggest reason I failed was:
3 - I'm a big scardey cat. I went out by myself. I normally have no qualms about going out by myself. I know that all those stories are just myths and legends, there'll be no hook on my car door, there won't be a guy in my back seat going to kill me, no deranged axe murderers live within the trees. But once I was actually standing out there by myself under the black night and barely able to even see the car, my imagination just got the better of me so I would get scared and hop back into the car. :)
Late night adventure
Friday, August 12, 2005
What do I want?
ESFJ- The Provider
You scored 75 I versus E, 100 N versus S, 40 F versus T, and 80 J versus P!
Your ideal partner is known as the provider. As a romantic partner, they work hard to nuture and protect their relationships. They go to great lengths to maintain harmony and are motivated to resolve conflicts. They have a very clear idea of what is important to them and do best when their partners share those same values. They want their partners to be loving, committed, and willing to support their frequently overwhelming feelings and reactions. They feel most appreciated when their partner is kind, considerate, and helpful, and compliments them often on their hard work on their partner's behalf. The group summary: Guardians (SJ) The Type Summary: ESFJ
Who am I? Who am I? I am a walrus...
INFP - the Healer
You scored
9% I to E, 26% N to S, 19% F to T, and 57% J to P!
You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more feeling based than thinking based, and you prefer to go with the flow rather than having a plan. Your type can best be summarized by the word "Healer", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. You have a capacity for caring that is deeper than most. You strive for unity, are fascinated by the battles between good and evil, and can be something of an idealist. Only 1% of the population shares your type.As a romantic partner, you are usually supprtive and nuturing, however, you have a high need for individuality. Harmony is extremely important to you as you are very affected by conflict and tension, which also makes you resist confronting your partner directly about problems. When you get angry, you usually blame yourself, rather than your partner. You can also be stubborn and unyielding when you feel you are being criticized or mistreated. You feel the most appreciated when your partner listens to you carefully. You need to be understood. You need to hear your partner express their feelings, the more often, the better. Your group summary: idealists (NF)Your type summary: INFP
Fabulous morning!
1 - This horoscope: PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The more aware you are of what everyone around you is doing, the better. A chance meeting with someone special can change your life. Love is present, so make the best of it. 5 stars
(Ok really I don't take too much stock in horoscopes, they amuse me and sometimes I'd LIKE to see them come true but I don't really expect them to, still it is a nice idea.)
2 - Coworker and the Italianguy (of the cult of the virgins) went to Indian food last night. Above the Flying Apron Bakery. After eating food, they went downstairs and bought me GF treats! They rule!
I don't think I shared this story of theItalianguy from earlier this week. Hmm... I need another moniker for newlynonvirgincoworker... Coworkerfriend I think will do. Coworkerfriend was in Vegas the early part of this week so othercoworker and I had lunch together 3 times. On Monday, I was microwaving some food in the little microwave vestebule in the student center when someone snuck up behind me and grabbed my arm. People who know me personally know how psychotically high strung I am, so I did what I always do when startled, I shrieked. TheItalianguy thought this was hysterical. He laughed and carried on. He's very loud and boisterous and as a result, a professor came over and shushed us. Which set Italianguy off. He's 20 (I believe) and a business student and full of that bravado that only a 20 year old male business student can have. He amuses me. Othercoworker, not so amused. He joined us for lunch and spouted much of his politics, which I either ignore or argue with him depending. After lunch othercoworker turned to me and said, "Never again. We are never eating with him again." Hee.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
I've been discovered!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Well I tried
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
What's going on for Thanksgiving?
Monday, August 08, 2005
Volunteer embargo over
My eyes are tired today, I'm hoping to shower and head to bed early. (After tonight's rerun of The Amazing Race that is)
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Today I was standing in a toy store with Matty and there's an entire section of Breyer Horses. And all I could think of was how much my older sister loved those stupid horses. And how much my family scoffed at her for them. And it made me sad which made me quiet. Matty & I had been talking about something else earlier and he assumed my quietness was related to that and that I was sulking. Not a bad assumption since sometimes Matty has all the sensitivity of a bull in a china shop (to quote my poppy). (Seriously Matty, sometimes you can just say "maybe there's a better outfit for you to wear" rather than "yet another potato sack") :P And I found myself quite surprised to be crying. And I couldn't help but think, what the fuck... how can her death still bother me three years later? But I guess it does. Who knew?
I smell something burning
Most Exciting Part!
Oh also, as we were stopped at a stoplight there was a guy totally rocking out to System of a Down's BYOB. It made me laugh my ass off. But I do love that song. (MP their families are Armenian, which is not at all a country that starts with an L)
Joanne is a Pack Rat*

*She knows she is.
Another day of decadence
Did some more shopping. Drove up Queen Anne hill and had coffee. I think I want to like Italian Sodas, but so far, not so much. I think I am not fond of the cremes.
I had a cupcake after getting home. Delish!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Weekend of Joanne!
I was up early and showered and headed out at about 11:00. I had a package to mail to my dad so I walked down to the post office. I finally sent him the white ginger plant and orchid I bought for them while in Hawaii. I'm hoping the orchid isn't too dead. And then I headed over to Pikes. It was a nice cool gray Seattle morning.

Up in the gray cloudy is the Bank of America tower. It is the one the firefighters climb during the stair climb in March that benefits the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society. You can also kind of see the library a little tiny bit.
Sunflowers are in bloom all over the market. I love sunflowers! They are such a happy flower.
I walked home through the convention center like I always do. I picked up some tacos because I was starving and how delicious are tacos? Walking through Freeway park, I snapped a few shots, like these hydrangeas. I had never really seen hydrangeas before until Michelle had them in her table settings at her wedding. They are all over here, which is so cool. I really love them!
There's this gazebo in Freeway Park that has George Washington's head as the top, which I find kind of weird, but sometimes I think that would be such a beautiful place to get married. I don't know that many people and I don't have that much family so for my side we'd fit. :) Of course we'd have to chase out all the homeless so, probably wouldn't work. :)
This fountain is by the gazebo. The whole park is full of fountains but most of the time they aren't running.
While I was at Pike's I treated myself to some flowers. I bought Teddybear Sunflowers which are just gorgeous. In the upper left hand corner of the pic is a framed pic from Michelle's wedding. The one in the upper right hand corner is me at about 8. You can just see the corner of the fish bowl and my magic 8 ball. I've had it so long it is in tune with me. ;) Or something like that. :)
I also bought Dahlias. I really like the dark red wine color of the ones I got. I seem to like dark dark colors on flowers. My favorite tulips are the almost black variety (I can't remember what the name is though). I'm not really so good with the arranging of flowers. I mostly just put them in a vase.
And finally, to complete my day of decadence. They've opened a Cold Stone Creamery on Pike. I bought of my absolute favorite (sweet cream, chocolate chips and just the juice from the dark cherries) home for a treat. And I'm watching Blast from The Past which may be one of my favorite guilty pleasures. It just makes me laugh.
Tomorrow I hit my favorite restaurant for baked goods and lunch!
Friday, August 05, 2005
Such an easy mark
Yay easy!
I'm thinking of cutting the hair short again, but I can't decide. Right now it is just long enough to french braid (which I do to it on days I don't wash it... so if you see me today, you now know a secret). Otherwise it is ponytailed or twisted up in a clippy. I have a lot of hair, but each hair is just thin. I have a round face. I don't like hair in my eyes. Ever. I haven't had short hair since 5th grade. (short short. Just above shoulders is not short). I was traumatized in 5th grade because some 6th graders teased me about my hair and calling it boys' hair and I was already incredibly painfully shy and self conscious enough then that that pretty much hurtled me over the edge. I think my face might be too fat though to do short hair well. And I don't want old lady cut. Sigh. Maybe I just go back to super duper long and worn in a clip all the time.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Another nap
I think that all those couples who go on The Amazing Race to 'test their relationship' are idiots. Especially if they've been having problems, like somehow this is going to prove to them that they belong together when usually it doesn't.
To sleep perchance to dream
Upon Michelle's recommendation, I've been reading The Time Traveler's Wife. Excellent book. I highly recommend it. I haven't been this engrossed in a book in awhile (Harry Potter notwithstanding). I can't wait to finish it.
For the past 2 days workcrush has been walking back and forth past my office a lot more than usual. I found out today why. Our telecom guy is leaving and WC is being trained in telecom. I'm hoping that this means WC will become the new telecom guy. Because then his office will be 2 doors down from mine. 2 doors down! That would be sweet. :) Although with my luck, he's probably the next one to quit. :) Edited: Yay! I have confirmed he's moving into that job!
I'm having an unsatisfactory hair day today. I don't know why but no style I try to put my hair in is making me happy. Sometimes I think about just shaving my head entirely.
Last night I had very destructive dreams. I meant to write them down while I still could remember them but they were so vivid I thought I would in the AM. But now by the light of day I can barely remember. One had something to do with a helicopter on a barge that I tried to climb up on and the barge sunk on one side causing the helicopter to slide into the water. I had to swim out of the way so it wouldn't suck me down a'la the Titanic. My father was in the water too but not my real dad, but the man in the dream was just identified as my dad. Probably because I called him father. :) I was trying to help him swim away so he too wouldn't get sucked down with the helicopter. There was a lot more to the dream but I can't remember it.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
It's a racearoundtheworld!
Unfortunately my horoscope was incorrect. I did not get hit on by Mr. Right. I didn't even get hit on by Ms. Rightnow. I went to a block party on Cap Hill in my coworker's neighborhood. Firemen, cops it was supposed to be a cool thing, right? Not so much. There were 2 hottie firemen who had to leave with their truck to go to a fire. There was like a cop auxiliary person, but that was about it. There were also a lot of small children and families. As fun as it was to see the little kids and play with them, not really conducive to my situation.
How do I know these people?!

It is bad enough I know a person who actually has purchased this ugly hat. And LIKES IT! But, now she wants me to help her find shoes. I suggested pointy black cowboy boots. No. She wants freakin' tiger print shoes to match the hat. That's just so sick and wrong... Please note in the descriptor... the hat is plush velvet. Seriously sick & wrong.
Cowgirl hat in plush velvet with tiger print. Hat is made of plush molded velvet and is 14" long and 6" high. Brim is 3" wide.
Horrorscopes are fun!
Are you in a fairy tale? You finish all your tasks with miraculous ease. Meanwhile, Prince or Princess Charming is waiting in a snazzy new chariot ready to take you to far-off lands. What are you waiting for? Move!
Finally! Someone who appreciates your unique brilliance. And who has romantic feelings for you and enough confidence to be clear about it. And who is totally adorable. Your eyeballs are heart-shaped.
Monday, August 01, 2005
I did it...
It's like they're the hunter mafia
Sometimes I just want to be grumpy
Although 2 bits of news to cheer me up. They definitely aren't inspecting my apartment on Thursday, I just called to confirm that. And my apartment manager is going to write up my new lease with no raise in rent. Yay!
I am going camping!
Cell Phone
Maundy Monday
My achilles tendon is not healing. It still hurts. It is still swollen. In a month if it isn't better my doc wants to talk about immobilizing it. I'm kind of against that because it will make my walk to work more difficult. I am still not supposed to excessively walk. I have taken steps to reduce my walking. I hit the grocery store on the way home instead of a special trip on Saturday and most sadly I have completely given up on Sunday adventures. Do you know what this means I do on Sundays?! DO YOU!? I sit at home and usually take a long Sunday afternoon nap which screws me up for Sunday night sleeping. I seriously did contemplate cleaning. I even bought the necessary accoutrements (more trashbags and papertowels, I only had 1 trash bag left and I have a lot of recycling to take down to the bins) to start but then it was too hot. I know that some of you are suffering through 40,000 degree heat and humidity so I shouldn't complain, but I'm going to anyway. Because I don't have ac. I have 2 fans that work currently. They are on 24/7 which I'm sure is bad for something. (including their little motors). (which could be why the other 2 fans don't work actually).
I really do have to clean, because I've discovered Tess & Rigby are chewers. I kinda knew it with Rigby because she kept eating styrofoam (despite my best efforts to eliminate all styrofoam from my house). But Rigby came into the livingroom twice this weekend carrying a battery (2 different batteries, I threw it away each time I took one from her). I think she found them in the bottom of my backpack, or in the camera case. Either way, that's the last thing I want her chewing on. Tess chews on cardboard. All of this would be very bad for their digestive systems. So, since I'm apparently unable to be clean for my own sake, I need to be cleaner for their sakes.
I saw that dog movie this weekend. Must love dogs. I liked it. It was fairly cute. It had John Cusack so it was an automatic that I'd love it. I had a couple of issues. 1 - How could preschool teacher and former wife of a fire fighter Diane Lane afford the beautiful house she had, IN CALIFORNIA? I know firemen make pretty good money but they were divorced and I don't know that they make THAT big salaries. This house was seriously beautiful and big and on a big lot. 2 - If the John Cusack character never sold one of his boats, what the hell did he do for money for his day job?
There is a new singles site that I'm thinking of joining, although I'm pretty sure it would be a fruitless effort. It is for celiacs (my wheat free condition). It is new, but I just did a search and they have no males between the ages of 29 - 40. Never a good sign. :) I would, however, actually pay money on that site if for no other reason than to keep it going for other people. The website, because someone asked, is