Tuesday, May 16, 2006

From the fiery pits of hell

I don't do well in the heat. This is why I don't live in Arizona (94 degrees in Tucson today) anymore or why I'll never live in Florida (only 69 today WTF? Oh but they do have the giant cockroaches that look like they could carry off a small child and GWB's brother is the governor so look there are other reasons) despite it being the holyland of my religion. Today it hit over 80 degrees here. We got warmer than LA. Apparently we're hotter than Florida today. And finally, we're hotter than Hawai'i! That's just wrong. If this keeps up I'm moving to Barrow. They only hit 30 today. I can cope with that. (Although I did turn on the in/out fan today (2 fans in one box unit one pulls air out and the other pulls air in) and it is really helping this evening.) If this is going to be one of those hot hot summers I'll be forced to buy something weird from Sharper Image like the Personal Cooling System version 2.0 (ok that one is actually freakishly tempting) or the Iceflow Personal Air Conditioner. Every year I go through this and dream of buying an air conditioner. And every year I talk myself out of it for many reasons... They're hella expensive, I only really would need 1 for a few days every year, they're heavy and so I'd have to have someone come in and help me put it in, and on and on and on. This may be the year I break.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Those giant roaches in Florida fly too. Ick.