So Michelle & I were discussing these new pajamas I bought over the weekend and I said I should take a picture of them because they are a little creepy. She confirmed that I did but as I was pulling the pics of the jammies off the camera I discovered others to post so here's a mishmash of pictures from the past week or so.

This is the pot I will be sending to my mother for Mother's Day. It is the same thing the girls did. Although now that I look at it, I think the bottom may be too big. Plus I totally should've made the whole pot sky blue then painted the flowers on that so it looked a little less like 5 year old with a crayon - the top of the pic is the sky which is blue and the bottom is grass which is green and the middle is apparently clear.
Creepy Pajama Bottoms. They are left over from the Girl Scout cookie sale last year. They were a reward and apparently they expected more fat Girl Scouts than they ended up with because these are adult sized. I like fun pajama bottoms and these are silky and I like them, but I realized after putting them on the eyes are somewhat creepy. Ok more than somewhat... I feel compelled, however, to say that I bought the whole fabulous pajama ensemble for a whopping $7.00.

So this is Pajama Top that goes with pants. I thought it was very cute, pink sleeves and black top and the cat's eyes with the little smile is all cute. Tonight I discovered something uncute... The eyes glow in the dark! I went into the bathroom and before I turned on the light I noticed this weird shit on my chest. Glowing cat eyes. CREEPEEE!

Baby Ducks! This is the U's reflecting pool. There is a weird grassy box in it on one side and the mama duck (seen above) laid eggs. This is the first year that she has done so. She had 13 little ducklings. Aren't they cute?
One all by his (her?) lonesome. So cute. You can also see the pennies in the bottom of the pool. Weird a bit.
Go little duckie go! It was on its way back to mama because I scared it a bit.
Tess (and satan eyes apparently). That's my night time boot she's curled up in. She seems to like it, although actually I think she likes chewing on it. The green and pink thing is a blanket I made myself. The quilt is some cheap thing I bought at a store and that's my sleeping bag in the background. (You can also see my green & yellow painted wall and the chair o' clothes in the background). All this is crap that was piled on my bed, but I at least moved it before I went to bed.
Creepy pajamas! Messy house!
5 year old crayon scrawlings.
The harder I work on my doodles, the more toddler-esque they look.
I have a new strategy. Scrawl it quick and blind. Then it would look like an 80 year old with cateracts drew it ;)
*hugs from incognito for a few months*
The pajamas aren't so creepy once you realize they're kitty eyes. Of course they glow in the dark, silly!
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