Friday, May 12, 2006

Why can't I?

Why must I be at work today? Why can't I be at home in my bed lounging around in jammies?

Also (and unrelated) have you ever thought about doing something really mean? I mean really really mean? This morning as I was walking to work I wondered what would happen if I kicked a pigeon. I like pigeons actually and would never ever do it because that's just cruelty to animals but still... a tiny part of my brain thought "I wonder what would happen if I just reached out and kicked that pigeon" as one walked by me. Of course I probably wouldn't actually be fast engough to do it, but the thought was distinctly there.


:D said...

I think about doing that every time one gets temptingly close enough!

Jodi said...

Usually my mean thoughts come when I'm peeved at my husband!