I'm an eyes girl. Isa and I have talked about what we first look at about a member of the opposite sex (since it is on like every myspace survey known to man. Also I'm on
myspace if you want to be my friend you can be.) My stock and rather jokey answer is usually the left hand. You know, to make sure there's no wedding ring. :D But more and more I'm finding I'm attracted to eyes. This past weekend I was volunteering with a guy who isn't cute in the conventional way (mostly because he sports a full beard which is rarely attractive)... but his eyes are just great and I found myself crushing on him a tiny bit. :) He gave me a 'coupon' for a free hour of boat time down at the place he works. I may have to go use that. ;) Actually I had already been planning on dragging the girls there so that'll be fun too. :)

I had a great weekend of volunteering. I got to play with the kiddos and do arts & crap which I love (as we all know). I tried the boot thing yesterday but that lasted about 4.2 seconds... just long enough for me to step into the saturated grass and completely douse my foot in cold wet murky water (apparently my theories about heavy socks and plastic baggies were just not sound. Are we shocked by that?) I also bought a new necklace for myself. It replaces my crystal that I lost. I really like it.
In other news, I read 3 books this weekend (well finished one up, read completely 2 others). I watched multiple movies. I liked x-3 but I'm easy about movies and it entertained me. I'm not especially a comic book reader so since it wasn't cannon I didn't notice the inaccuracies. I tried to watch Fresh Horses (it was on cable, it isn't like I paid for it). I spent most of the movie going what the hell is going on? It was not good.
At my showing of x-3 there was almost a rumble. This big family took up about 2 rows in the theater. They had with them at least 1 toddler and the 2nd child was fairly small maybe 3, not that that's any better. And at some point in the movie one of the children started making baby noises and talking and screeching. So people in the theater shushed the family. The family did not take kindly to this. They started shushing back and yelling at the shushers. The crowd and the family went back and forth several times on this. The dad of the family was starting to front and any of the shushers could come to talk to him and all I could think was are you fucking kidding me? That seems to be my thought frequently.
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