There's some amazing purple flowering plants on campus right now. They smell beautiful. They are beautiful. Upon closer inspection they are the same plants I saw at Knotts Berry Farm. It is Wisteria. So now I have another plant to add to my imaginary someday garden. Tulips, Morning Glories, Wisteria, probably Jasmine and Japanese Maple trees.

Wisteria Up Close
Wisteria in an arbor (or maybe it is a pergola. Or maybe that's the same thing)
It makes me think I should rip out whatever monster vine is currently growing on our gazebo/trellis/arbor/pergola thing and plant wisteria instead. I like the way it hangs down but still lets light in.
Those pictures are pretty much what my backyard in WA looks like. We have tons of wisteria and it is very pretty in the spring time...but is a monster vine to control. Lots of pruning.
Never mind then.
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