Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Don't look back
In other thoughts, I'm joining the senior members of the former cult of the virgins (senior members because they're seniors in college) at this senior cruise tomorrow night. I may or may not regret this. I am hoping I don't, but definitely wondering if it will be weird since countless colleagues may be there. And I'm just now realizing that...
One of those days...
I got toothpaste in my eye this morning while showering. (Yes I brush my teeth in the shower.) I was putting the paste on the brush and somehow there was an air bubble in the paste and it popped a little bit and caused some to get in my eye so now my eye hurts. (My father claims that your eye itself can't hurt because there are no nerves in it but I tell you it is my eyeball that hurts.) Somehow, though, I was actually on time to work today so thank goodness for small miracles.
I'm reading a new book. Bitter is the New Black. I can't for the life of me remember who suggested it to me, but it is HYSTERICAL. For some reason I thought Sheesh was the recommender, but I checked back to the post she had books listed in and that wasn't one of them. I know if I were to meet this person in real life, I would totally hate her since she pretty much is everything I am against, but as a character in a book, funny as hell. Although the fact that this is actually a memoir makes it a little more alarming because she really is at least on some level like this. I also finished Sophie Kinsella's Undomestic Goddess (that was on Sheesh's list). I liked it. It was cute, albiet predictable but a quick weekend read.
I'm considering applying for another job. I know I should just do it and just applying isn't actually getting and blah blah blah and if it were most other places I wouldn't bother, but this place is fairly cutting edge and I could make good money. (I assume better than what I make here) And it isn't just some corporate sell my soul to the devil type of place... they actually do good work. They'd be close to home too so I wouldn't have to get a car to do a big commute. I don't know why I'm such a weirdo about this type of thing. Most likely neuroses. :) That and having to find new references makes me neurotic too.
I'm also considering starting a new volunteering gig at the Center for Wooden Boats. It would require a regular shift and regular hours which I think is why I'm hesitating. That and the fact that I'm considering becoming the Service Unit Manager for my Girl Scout Service Unit (a thankless job at best :) ) makes me hesitate. But I think the center would be a really fun place to volunteer and I could learn about boat building and work on boats. (I think I'd want to volunteer doing something physical with the boats, not just more computer work like I already do). Of course, I thought this last year after I came back from folklife festival and worked at their booth and had a good time so... :) Although Big R has informed me that I have to get all volunteering gigs approved by him so maybe that'll put a stop to it. :P
Monday, May 29, 2006
It's in the eyes.

In other news, I read 3 books this weekend (well finished one up, read completely 2 others). I watched multiple movies. I liked x-3 but I'm easy about movies and it entertained me. I'm not especially a comic book reader so since it wasn't cannon I didn't notice the inaccuracies. I tried to watch Fresh Horses (it was on cable, it isn't like I paid for it). I spent most of the movie going what the hell is going on? It was not good.
At my showing of x-3 there was almost a rumble. This big family took up about 2 rows in the theater. They had with them at least 1 toddler and the 2nd child was fairly small maybe 3, not that that's any better. And at some point in the movie one of the children started making baby noises and talking and screeching. So people in the theater shushed the family. The family did not take kindly to this. They started shushing back and yelling at the shushers. The crowd and the family went back and forth several times on this. The dad of the family was starting to front and any of the shushers could come to talk to him and all I could think was are you fucking kidding me? That seems to be my thought frequently.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Chupacabra trumps goat
I also encouraged my good bus karma by helping a guy who was rather confused about the where to get off and all that. Hopefully that'll pay off in the future. :)
I had a lot of fun volunteering today. It wasn't so crowded that I didn't want to be there, but there was a fairly steady enough stream of people that kept me busy most of the time. Although they (the festival) does that one thing I hate... They give you a shift start time and then say "be there 30 minutes early to check in." Baloney. Tell me what time you want me to be there. Plus we spent a lot of time standing around because the children's section didn't open until 11:00 and that part I didn't like. For tomorrow I have to figure out how to wear the boot despite the weather. I didn't wear it today and damn am I paying for it now. I have a wicking sock that I may be able to wear that theoretically keeps the water away from my foot, although I think with this rain this may not work. Maybe 2 socks and a ziploc bag? :)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I feel cute today!

Isa and I are going to go see X-3 this Friday at the Cinerama. I'm terribly excited about that too. :)
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Alarming discovery
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Misadventures in driving
Isa and I went to this bbq in Ballard but as we were driving north on the 5 we realized we were going the wrong way so I got off at the next exit. Immideately after the exit there was a stop sign and an island and a set up very similar to the abovementioned set up. Except for 1 very important thing that I didn't discover immediately. So I need to turn left to go across the freeway and based on what made sense in my head I got in the closer lanes. As we're sitting at a light a very very alarming realization occurs. We are going the wrong way on the road and there's a big divider. Fuck. What does one do then? Well, luckily the light changes green with an arrow so one guns it and turns left in front of the car that had been next to them in the proper lane. It was a little alarming but at the same time made us laugh our asses off.
Conflict avoidance
Monday, May 22, 2006
Fat little duck feet strike again

Good Bye!
Short Fuse
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Buzz buzz goes the buzzy bee.
Friday at about 4:00 my boss and I were talking about how interminable the day was. It was killing both of us and she totally let me go home early! So that was a good start to the weekend. (Only 1/2 hour but still...)
So tomorrow is Big R's birthday and Friday Boston and Curly haired had a bbq for him at their house. Isa and I went too and Roommate was there and the gross guy (I peeved about him once he eats garbage and grosses me out) showed up. We had a great bbq! Hot dogs and hamburgers and watermelon and corn on the cob and tater tots because Big R loves them. It was just so fun. They ended up in a bit of a cake fight, which was hysterical.
Today I volunteered for a concert held at the U. I got to spend 2 hours out in the sun wandering around listening to some fun music. How much better can it get?
Afterward Isa and I went shopping to Target. I have broken down and joined the polo shirt people. I need something to wear to work when the weather is warmer. I have about 3 button down shirts (men's) that I wear but I hate how women's shirts are always 3/4 sleeve and I hate how sheer they frequently are. Ooh I also bought a cute lavender skirt. I'm thrilled with it! :)
And finally, after that we went to another bbq (Isa & I are popular y'all). This one was a coworker's so there were a lot of fellow employees there. That's always a bit of a weird thing since sometimes it is hard to really tell where our jobs end and our lives begin. One of the guys was telling Isa something that was happening in his office that is wholly inappropriate. And so we wonder sometimes, do we tell our boss this is happening in that office? Do we not? He wasn't exactly telling us with any understanding of confidentiality (since we're at a party surrounded by coworkers). But I'm sure he wasn't telling us because he expected us to run to our boss either. It is weird sometimes. But other than that we were having a good time. I chatted with a cute guy which was fun. Isa's going to get the dish for me next week. :)
Saturday Night Live actually made me laugh out loud tonight and before they have a chance to screw it up in the last 1/2 hour I'm headed to bed. Good night and I hope y'alls weekend was half as fun as mine! :D
Friday, May 19, 2006
Hey remember the 80's?!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Thursday Thirteen
- I am currently left handed. I wasn't always left handed. Up until the 2nd grade I was completely ambidextrous and could write with either hand equally well. In 2nd grade I had to choose a hand and apparently I picked left. Some time later I found out that ambidextrousness was linked to learning disabilities.
- I lived in Indiana for 9 months. It was the longest 9 months of my life. Before I lived there I totally thought I could live some place like that forever. I was wrong. Although that was the first place I had gluten free pizza made for me in a restaurant. That was awesome.
- One of my favorite artists is Barbara Lavallee. I would totally decorate a kids room (or my own) with her work.
- When I was younger I wanted desperately to be an astronaut. This carried on into high school where 2 things dampened that dream. 1 - Geometry. 2 - The knowledge that I'd have better odds of getting that dream if I went to a military acadamy (Air Force) and the realization of what it would mean if I had to do that.
- I lived in Alaska for 5 years. If my sister hadn't gotten sick I may not have left it.
- I'm considering going back for a master's degree. I can't decide what in. I could get it for free from the university I currently work for but obviously only if I take one of their degree programs and I'm not 100% certain I want to do that.
- Not counting my parents' house, I've lived in the apartment I currently live in the longest of anywhere I've lived. (That's an awkward sentence).
- I've been CPR certified every year since I was 14 years old. That's 18 years now. I think I let it lapse this year.
- My feet have weird issues. They don't bend beyond 90 degrees so now I'm supposed to wear shoes with low heels or orthotics. This is a new thing. I don't like it.
- (I don't think I'm going to make it to 13)
- My waspy (which is I guess actually isn't correct because my mom is Catholic) upbringing shuns emotional outbursts. I get weirded out when people cry around me and I feel a little bad about that. (We also don't get angry. We're a very even people, except my mother. She's Catholic so none of these rules apply to her)
- I'm happiest when I'm seeing new things. I could be a tourist forever.
- I've been working in my field now for 7 years. I still don't know if this is what I want to do when I grow up.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things.
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New favorite flowers

Words of wisdom from my friendly neighborhood payroll manager
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I bought some sandals! Thanks to everyone with recommendations! I went to Sierra Trading Post and Michelle helped me find 2 pair that were cute and relatively cheap. (I spent less on 2 pair plus shipping than I was going to spend on 1 pair.) And they have already shipped. I should have them by next week! I'm so stoked. (And yes I did use the word stoked)
(Pretty for work)

(Rugged for regular wear but still okay for work)
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
From the fiery pits of hell
Ooh so far some of those look good! Michelle has pointed out that in my descriptor of #2 I am unclear. I just mean that I need a strap of sort to hold my shoe on. It doesn't have to be an actual back, just something across the heel. I don't like slippy shoes.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Lucky day!
Rich keep getting richer...
A bit of randomness for a Monday.
The bbq at my apartment building reminded me kind of why I don't socialize with most of these people. They're kind of freaks. I talked to the trash nazi who mostly just said random things and made me wonder if she was still on this planet. I talked to this other woman and her old sons (my age or older). I was chatting with one and my whole thought process on him was "Is he slow?" The other one I thought was either slow or full fledged developmentally delayed but I wasn't sure. I talked to a few other people there. Then I left and went to the library. I love having books at the library! :)
Tess & I played the make the bed game yesterday. Rigby started the game because she was playing with me as I took the old (and now torn) sheets off the bed but I didn't bother remaking the bed until later in the day. The amount of crap on my bed was phenomenal. Seriously. 2 DVDs, innumerable magazines, a bunch of mail that I never bothered looking at, 5 or 6 blankets, and on and on and on... Now there's just 2 blankets, a book and 3 magazines that I have yet to read. (And the hat of little things like rubber bands and my fingernail clippers for when my fingernail is hanging, honestly if I had space for a bedside table all this crap would go there but I don't so it sits in a hat. It is weird, I know. )
I just got a package from my sister (from my parents really). That's exciting because they had my little book and my hat since vacation. But the box was bigger than I thought it was going to be so I opened it with some trepidation. Hmm... included in the box was my hat and little book (yay) but also a "Washington off the Beaten Path" which I will check out. And a travel yahtzee and travel scrabble. Those were bought with a purpose and now that purpose is gone so I'll just store them and hope I make a new friend who likes to play board games. Maybe Big R since Isa claims she does not like them. Or perhaps some new as yet unmet friend! That's exciting thought!(Matthew & I used to hang out in coffee shops playing board games. I haven't yet told my parents (nor will I probably bother) that we are no longer friends.)
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Food drive
I bought a new type of bread mix awhile ago and it has a pizza crust recipe on the side. I tried it tonight. I loved how easy it was to work with and not at all sticky like my crust usually is. I was totally able to roll it out without having to put it between 2 sheets of parchment paper. But it is weirdly sweeter than usual but pretty tasty still. I liked it.
There was a sign downstairs when I came home about an all tenant barbecue tomorrow. It is good because this means I'll actually eat lunch tomorrow, but it is weird. I've lived here almost 4 years and we have never done anything with all the tenants. Hell, I only know on sight a few of them. The rest are complete mysteries to me. (Of course I don't like people so that contributes to it I'm sure. :) ) I think I'll go, though. Part of the whole forcing myself to do things I wouldn't ordinarily do because it might actually be good for me thing. I might even have a hamburger bun in the freezer. :)
Friday, May 12, 2006
To spit or not to spit... that is the question
Why can't I?
Also (and unrelated) have you ever thought about doing something really mean? I mean really really mean? This morning as I was walking to work I wondered what would happen if I kicked a pigeon. I like pigeons actually and would never ever do it because that's just cruelty to animals but still... a tiny part of my brain thought "I wonder what would happen if I just reached out and kicked that pigeon" as one walked by me. Of course I probably wouldn't actually be fast engough to do it, but the thought was distinctly there.
A bit weird
I don't want to know what I was dreaming about that caused that, but as Isa and I were talking this morning I thought it could be a brilliant horror movie. A guy called the worm master controls them and they (the worms) sing that song as they eat the insides of a victim's body. (Duh if they can be controlled by a worm master, they can sing i'm sure.) I think Hollywood would eat this up. :)
So cute (part 2)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
So cute.
If I had a billion dollars...
First things first. Homes. Of course now that I've been to Hawaii, I want a home there. I figured that would be the most expensive place I could end up buying in, interestingly enough I was wrong. Of course I stuck to Honolulu so maybe if I had gone to one of the smaller islands I could've spent more. So this is my winter home in Hawaii. It only cost $20,500,000.
My 2nd home I wanted to be in a city on the east coast. I couldn't find a lot that was expensive on in NYC (surprisingly enough) of course I just did a cursory search and the pics were bad of what I did find so I headed a bit north to Boston. It is close to Vermont and I could visit Kate if I lived there. This condo (penthouse) on the water would only cost me a cool $9,250,000.
Now so I could be near Michelle and my beloved Disneyland I figured a home in LA would be necessary. This was the place I also found the most expensive homes (of the cities I looked in. I have no doubt that I could find more expensive places elsewhere). This little beauty will cost me $53,000,000. So now I have bought 3 homes in fairly expensive places to live and yet I've only spent $82,750,000 leaving me with $917,250,000 left of my billion dollars.
But of course... I need CARS in my cities. I decided on this ferrari convertible for Hawaii. You have to drive a convertible there! I think it is a state law and wouldn't this be sporty to take around all the curves there. This bad boy is only $207,199 with the options I put in it, and you can be sure I picked all sorts of options.
For Boston, I picked this car. A maybach (Michelle mentioned it once in a post on The Peevery and it has been fixated in my head ever since). I don't know what makes it so snazzy but it does look sedate and the kind of quietly flashy car you'd see there. I could have it set up so that I have a driver and I like that idea. I hate to find parking in the city. With all the options I picked (including a playstation, I gots to have my entertainment) it came up to $495,145.
And finally for LA. This is a Mercedes of sorts. Michelle recommended it to me. Of course I went for all sorts of bells and whistles on it as well. It also is sporty and given an entirely clear PCH I could imagine how fun it would be for Michelle to drive it up and down the coast at her breakneck pace. (I've gotten to be a wuss about driving so when not in LA, I'd let her drive it and when I visited she could just drive me places because I'm a big baby. :) ) This bad boy with all the extras (including extra large seats for my extra large ass) came to $511,478. So the grand total on cars only came up to $1,213,822. Leaving me still with $916,036,178. Not even cleared 100 mil yet. I'm bad at this!
Now if I'm living this high life, do I really want to have to travel with the rif raff on the airlines schedule? Of course not! So I looked into private plane ownership. This little jet could carry 12 people which is perfect. I would have to hire a pilot to fly me around, but that's okay. I'd keep him on retainer so he could fly me anywhere anytime. The price tag on the plane alone... $21,000,000.
When I'm in Hawaii, I may want to visit other islands or just get away from all the doldrums of possession ownership. What would be perfect in Hawaii... a sailboat. Isn't this one gorgeous. I found it on a yacht website. Sailboats aren't terribly expensive. This one was only $25,000,000. It is kind of ugly, and I think I'd prefer one that was more schooner like, but I went for price and luxury not something I like the looks of. :)
I'm still not spending money well. I've still got way too much, not even 1/2 a billion spent yet. Then I find this yacht. Ugly (to my eye) as hell, but luxurious beyond belief. I think it would be my LA yacht. I'd let charity groups hold functions on it. Well, when I'm not using it to zip up and down the coast. Price tag for this... $173,384,550. I couldn't believe it when I saw it either. Over 100 million dollars?! Amazing.
Finally, the last thing thing that would make me happy. A little cottage in the woods on a lake. This one is even in Washington. I'd probably spend most of my time here (oh do I need to now search for a WA appropriate car? :) ) This little place only runs $789,000. The cheapest of all my homes. It is on a lake, though, so that would make me happy.
What did I learn from this experiment? A billion dollars is a buttload of money. All these things could be purchased and I would be barely spending money. The grand total of all the things I purchased: only $304,173,320. And if I hadn't found that yacht I wouldn't even be 1/2 way there. A little freaky to me... how much a billion dollars really is. Even freakier... how much 69 billion dollars is.
Fancy Party
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
A few Wednesday things
I've been having a lot of dreams recently about being on a quest or having an adventure. They've been really vivid and really involved. I think it is because I've been reading this adventure series lately. According to, where I get all my dream interpreatations, searching: To dream that you are searching for something, signifies the need to find something that is missing or needed in your life. You may be searching for a solution to a problem. (Or I read a bunch of books about a massive quest, you tell me. :) )
In case you care, Saturday is the letter carrier's food drive. You can leave non-perishable foods outside by your mailbox and the mailman will pick them up and then they get sent to your local foodbank. (And people like me will be unloading the food from the truck and putting it into boxes. There may be an opportunity to volunteer if you're more inclined to help that way).
What to do... what to do...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Like reripping open a scab
About a month and a half ago, I was talking to Matthew and I made the comment that sometimes he hurts my feelings. This is not untrue. His response, "I'm no longer speaking to you." I didn't actually think he was serious. In fact, I walked down stairs with him and we chatted while he was in the bookstore and then out the door. It wasn't until later that night while instant messaging that I discovered he was completely and totally serious. This post about being angry is one that relates to it. As does this one. So I go through this roller coaster of emotions and any time I see him I'm always on the brink of tears because it is like I get hit in the solar plexus and I can't breathe. I'm so hurt by this I don't even know how to cope. But I start feeling better... well ok not better but maybe less sad... ok well not less sad but more able to cope and then I post this post on Friday after walking past him when I was with Isa. And I get an email from him letting me know that my reputation is on the line because people in his office have noticed me pointedly ignoring him. So I point out how rarely we see each other but apparently 3 people he knows, who know me, know the 'whole story' and think that I'm being childish. Now I'm pissed and I'm having a difficult time understanding how him deciding never to speak to me again and me reacting by avoiding him makes me the childish one. And I'm hurt because honestly, unless he is speaking unkindly of me, how am I coming out to be the villian in this story? And so I post this on the peevery (looks like I've outed an unknown peever post). I'm so angry and hurt all over again. WC even sees me crying at work dammit (WC does have an inkling of it because he has wandered into my office twice when I have been all atwitter). Besides Isa and other coworker in my office (and she only tangenitally, she definitely does not know 'the whole story), my boss is the only one who has an inkling of what is going on. Here's how that conversation transpired... She: I see that there's an opening in payroll, your friend Matthew should try for it. Me: We're not actually speaking right now. She: Oh? Me: Yeah, we had a falling out. She: Oh, okay, well I hope you work it out. Me: Unlikely, but thanks. Notice how neither of us come across as childish in this conversation? Notice how no further information is actually required. So I end up all woe is me on Saturday and to snap myself out of it, I post this. It is really important to me to be able to reframe it when I'm upset. So now we're on to today. He appears in my office. And he tells me he isn't speaking ill of me behind my back and that he just wanted to let me know since I work in Human Resources and it is important that people feel comfortable coming to me with issues. And I point out that they could come to me if they had questions about this. To which he replies well why would they. A little more conversation occurs and I finally end it with what I really want is to not cry every time I see you. I say this as tears start to roll down my cheeks so I turn away. Basically dismissing him. I email him and we go back and forth a few more times, basically he thinks he is helping me and protecting himself at the same time.
It has taken me awhile to figure out why this is killing me so much... Besides the obvious. While wandering through the stacks of the library today, I figured it out. I was summarily dismissed. No this is how I feel, let's try to work this out. NO, I need something different from you. No actual indication that the last several years actually meant anything. No respect for whatever friendship we had. Just I'm no longer talking to you. Whatever.
New Challenge
Monday, May 08, 2006
Some Random Pictures

So this is Pajama Top that goes with pants. I thought it was very cute, pink sleeves and black top and the cat's eyes with the little smile is all cute. Tonight I discovered something uncute... The eyes glow in the dark! I went into the bathroom and before I turned on the light I noticed this weird shit on my chest. Glowing cat eyes. CREEPEEE!
Baby Ducks! This is the U's reflecting pool. There is a weird grassy box in it on one side and the mama duck (seen above) laid eggs. This is the first year that she has done so. She had 13 little ducklings. Aren't they cute?

Camping in Oregon
Life is great!
Anyway, I've totally digressed about being happy today. I've been trying to find a campsite for the 2nd annual girls' camping trip. (Adult girls not little girls) Last year we went to Nehalem Bay in Oregon. Isa's roommate wants to go to Oregon again because she says their sites are better than Washington's. So I'm looking. The problem is we decide this too late to find a spot (again!). Last year we lucked into a place. There seem to be plenty at Devil's Lake, almost too many... Any of you Oregonians ever been there? :)
I managed to make dinner last night so I have left overs today. Since apparently I'm not going to the library, only to the grocery store, maybe I'll get more dishes done today. I also need to take out the trash (oh crap, I just realized I left a bag of bagged trash on the floor intending to take both bags out last night, I didn't. Those damn ferrets better not have dug in the bag or they're toast, TOAST I say!). :) and deal with some recycling. Maybe I need to be like Michelle and turn off the TV at night, until 8:00 at least. Although more seriously... I need to not turn on the computer! That's my downfall. I think I'll try that this week. I'll still be on, but I won't allow myself to turn it on until 8:00. Yay! A plan. I can listen to one of my new CDs while I do dishes. I picked up 2 Christian CDs online a couple weeks ago. I know I know, I'm not Christian, but my friend from college Shelley was a Mennonite for awhile, and she turned me on to this alternative Christian band... Yeah I feel like a weirdo even typing that, but I like them and they aren't so ... preachy.
Insatiably thirsty
Sunday, May 07, 2006
I watched The Interpreter last night. I had wanted to see it before and finally caught it on cable last night. I liked it too. It moved quickly and kept my interest. Up until the end, I had no idea what was going to happen. Nicole Kidman was electrifying. Just the right mix of quiet desperation and fear. I don't remember if I heard good things about the movie, but maybe that helped me to like it more.
This morning I watched Something the Lord Made. It is an HBO movie starring the brilliant Alan Rickman and quietly powerful Mos Def. Basically it chronicles the partnership between Rickman and Def as the doctor and his assistant who pioneered heart surgery. They saved blue babies through their amazing techniques. I really enjoyed it too and highly recommend it.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
The Glad Game
1 - I have great friends in Michelle and Isa and Big R, and in newer friends like The Italian Guy and Harry Potter. They accept me for who I am and don't try to have me conform to their standards. They would never talk badly about me behind my back to make themselves look better.
2 - I have a good job that allows me a lot of time outside of work to pursue the things I love to do like volunteer.
3 - I earn enough money to pay my bills and have some extras like HBO or going to the movies.
4 - I have a great Girl Scout troop. They rock and make me laugh every meeting.
5 - I have a good friendship beginning with wc. Even if nothing ever happens that I want to happen, I still enjoy talking to him and listening to his band. And who knows, maybe at one of the shows I go to I will meet someone else. :) (although I don't know if I'm evolved enough to be able to talk about a girl he is dating or wants to date with him yet... :P )
6 - I have a good apartment that is close to everything I could want and allows me to be car free. Yeah it needs to be cleaned but I really like my little space especially because it is all mine.
7 - I have great tits. Yeah, this is shallow and in the grand scheme of things doesn't mean a lot, but I like 'em and that makes me happy.
8 - I'm funny and fun. I like the simple things in life and have a good time with people around me.
I'm sure there's other things to be glad about, but these'll do for now. :)
Thing that wasn't a thing...
Edit: I like talking to other delusional girls. :) I just spoke with Isa who assures me that a - he's a geek boy and they are like a minimum of 10 times more difficult to be involved with than regular boys. b - I shared with her that he had knocked on my office at about 6:00 to see what time we were going to meet and I had been crying which was clear due to my red eyes so she thinks he was being respectful since he knows I've been upset and hurt and angry today. I appreciate her. :D
Friday, May 05, 2006
Was gonna....
I seem to have put my friend Isa into a pickle without meaning to. Someone I know is no longer speaking to me. It has been going on awhile and several people are actually rather surprised it is still going on. I'm not. A mind has been made up and that's that. I'm sad but getting less sad about it. However, this is the cause of Isa's pickle. She knows that since person A is not speaking to me, I am not speaking to person A (why bother obviously). She never knows how to respond when we walk past person A. I will not acknowledge the presence of person A, but person A will say hi to Isa. She gets flustered. I've told her it doesn't bother me if she wants to talk to this person and it would, in fact, be petty and ridiculous of me to 'forbid' it. We talked about it today (since we saw person A today) and I asked her if it would be easier if I just forbid her from talking to person A any time she & I were together. Apparently it would be, so I did. :) She's so silly sometimes.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Today was our annual benefits fair. I put it on and it was a rousing success, thankyouverymuch! :) I dressed up especially for the occasion. I am very happy in the dress I'm wearing, it is one of my favorites. My poor feet, though. I've been on them for the hours from 9:00 - 2 and they are unhappy campers. I also didn't eat too much today so I may be starving. :) But the vendors were thrilled. The employees enjoyed themselves. I look good to my little and big boss. What more do I need?
In other news, my potentially exciting, ok maybe not but it is kinda cool but I don't want to get my hopes up just so they end up dashed but really it could be good, or nothing at all so let's not be all girly about everything news is.. The artist formerly known as WC and I are going to a play together. I was talking last week after mission day that I saw a piece of the play during mission day and how great it was and he mentioned he wanted to see it and asked me when I was thinking of going. I told him I was going to go next week (this was Thurs last week) and he said when I made up my mind, let him know and he'd go with me. So yesterday I confirmed and we're planning for a Friday show. So while it isn't a date exactly, it is an event outside of the work place (sort of since it is on campus) and could be a step in the right direction. But I'm not excited. Ok?! :)
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Dreaming of the sun...
I need the sun. I've been sad a lot more than I like to be lately. I need to get out of that mindset.