Sunday, April 01, 2007

April Fool's Denied

I have put off posting because I was going to post this long April Fools Joke post, but then when I thought about it, I felt bad because I didn't want to trick anyone. But it would've been very clever. :)

I was going to post that I got fired from my job because of a post on the Peevery. Actually the original plan was to post that I got fired for sexual harrassment because I hit on the former WC in a more obvious way. :) But then little hands believed that y'all wouldn't believe that one so I hit upon fired for my blog.

Last night I went to a coworker's for a party. He's a new prof from England. He's really sweet and he has this AMAZING house he and his husband just bought. I have some serious house envy. That modern clean lines crap has nothing on interesting rooms and unique shapes. Apparently the house was used for apartments because there are 4 (yes 4) kitchenettes in the house. And yet somehow there are only 3 bathrooms. Very odd that. It has amazing views of the water and is somewhere in the neighborhood of 3800 square feet. I'm considering asking them if they want to adopt me. :D I'd kill to live in the attic room. It has a very unique shape and all these built in drawers and closets and such. Apparently it was once the maid's quarters. Even the ugly rose wall paper is cool and interesting. I drank 4 glasses of white wine which made me discover that white wine does not agree with me. (Or it could've been the little smokies, but either way, I had an upset stomach all night last night). I am very proud of myself for even going. Y'all know how I am about stuff like that. I talked to a number of faculty members that I knew. All in all a good time.

The week was fairly uneventful. I spent a lot of time on the sofa. :) Ooh yeah, I bought a buttload of GF food yesterday. I had a nice ham & turkey & cheddar on foccacia for lunch. Very nice that was. :)


... said...

Good to see you are still kicking...I bet it was the little smokies that did it to you.

I think interesting houses are the best although I envy the clean lines ones when I watch movies...haha. Loved Camerons house in "The Holiday".

Stephen said...

Yeah, that would have been a terrible April Fool's prank ;)
I prefered the harassment of WC version.

House envy is quite wonderful. Personally, I want a small comfy house that I can ditz around in, create little stylish nooks.

Peeved Michelle said...

I am glad that you didn't trick us and that you got to have a yummy sandwich.

Kate the Peon said...

I second PM's comment. I hate April Fool's jokes.