I got a call from littlehands this morning and she mentioned she was going to dim sum with some friends of ours. Usually I don't like to go to dim sum, but this time I decided to go anyway. I was looking for some real Chinese food (not the rice and meat I make). After lunch, we all went up to dilletante for a cake, but Big R had a really bad allergic reaction so he went up to Urgent Care and I used his car to drop the girls back at their cars and then I went and hung out with him until the doctor let him go. Then I was downtown. I tried a lot of different stores. Well I should clarify I tried a lot of cheap stores looking for shoes. Ultimately I ended up with the shoes below from Shoe Pavilion. I think I like the way they look. The big straps counter my fat little duckfeet as opposed to the thin strappy kind I was looking at. PM, do you approve? :)

A year's worth of chocolate?! Yum!!
Yes, cute.
The shoes are gorgeous. I like the slightly elevated heel ~ enough to accent, but not distract.
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