Thursday, April 19, 2007


Thanks to this stupid back pain, I have had to cancel some things. I cancelled tonight's girl scout meeting. I have to cancel my volunteering this weekend because it is physical labor and I just don't think I'll be able to do it. I ended up not going into work today at all. I was feeling better but I was still kind of crooked. I stepped outside and realized I did not want to walk to work. I did not want to walk up the damn giant hill. So I came back inside and changed into jeans and spent the day resting on the sofa and taking naps.

In the late afternoon I went to the chiropractor. She hit that spot again where my feet shot up because it was like a jolt of pain. It really feels like it isn't helping when I'm there and just leave, but then in the evening I feel better so I don't get it.

Apparently my treat for myself when I go to the chiropractor is McDonald's. I totally wanted it after my appointment and it was really yummy. :) I've eaten mcDonald's more times in the past week than I think I have in the past year.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

aaahhhh :(
You give me a call anytime you want me to come over and bring you something (food, soap, movies).