Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Vegetarian Attempt 2

Tomorrow is my next randomly decided upon vegetarian day. I'm having salad for lunch tomorrow and a half a baked potato. With cheese. I love bacon on my salad and as I was walking home from the groccery store I totally remembered that bacos are frighteningly vegetarian. I wish I had remembered that at the grocery store. For breakfast peanut butter and crackers (one of my favorite breakfasts actually). And for dinner tomorrow is yet again cheese pizza.

Unrelated, it is awesome that Real World/Road Rules is back on MTV. I LOVE this show. I love this show with all my heart and 19 minutes in my favorite drunk dumb bad boy gets booted. Awesome. And he gets booted because he hits somebody not even because of his bad skillz.

I have a dilemma. I've been asked to volunteer for a group that my friend belongs to. On the one hand, it seems like a lot of fun. On the other it would be a lot of work on a fairly regular basis. And a lot of responsibility. And then there's the guilt factor. The person who has asked me to do this is someone I haven't hung out with in a long time but we used to be really close. (Not Matthew) He believes that we don't hang out because of reason A/B. And he kind of might hate me for it. A little bit. The reality is that I was slowly but surely extricating myself from him months before reason A came along. So the question is, do I do it. Do I do it out of our old friendship. Or out of respect for what our friendship was? I don't know. And I hate thinking about it.


Stephen said...

I tend to help all of my friends without a second thought. But the truth is that I generally only help when I feel good doing so.
I just happen to always feel good doing it :) The exceptions are the people I don't consider considerate friends (e.g. users).

I help them anyway, but I don't do it for them. I do it for my karma.

~Dirty Hippy

Kate the Peon said...

WTF is Stephen rambling about?

I say you shouldn't help anyone who hates you even a little bit. Esp if you were trying to distance yourself from them at one point.

... said...

If you are going to be miserable, don't do it...you already have so much on your plate and you might miss out on another opportunity if you are busy with this and miserable too.