Friday, April 13, 2007

Curry Debacle

*Subtitled "Michelle and littlehands can say HA!"

Yesterday evening I was supposed to meet Stephen for dinner at 5:30 at a local Indian restaurant that I was excited to go to. You'll recall that the day before yesterday (Wednesday) I had called V and was waiting for a call from him so I had taken my cell phone out of my jacket pocket (where it lives so I don't forget it) and set it on the sofa in case he called. So when I left for work yesterday morning I was about 1/2 way there when I realized that my cell phone was still sitting on the sofa. No worries, I thought. Stephen and I have been out about 12 - 15 times in the past 8 months what could happen? HA!

I get to the restaurant at 5:30 and sit and wait. And wait. And wait. At about 5:50 I eat one of the little crisp cracker chickpea things on the table. And I wait and I wait. At about 6:15 I eat the other one that was technically Stephen's. And I wait and I wait. The whole time I'm cursing myself for leaving the cell phone at home. For not knowing how to check my voicemail remotely using a different phone. For just being a ditz. At 6:30 I give up. I figure if he is running late, he'll be here soon. I know that he isn't flakey so I wasn't too worried. (Although I was a tiny bit worried something bad had happened to him.) When I was done eating I gave up. It was 7 and just too late. So I catch the bus home. I walked in the door about 7:30 and check my cell phone VM. While I'm listening to a message from Stephen explaining he's going to be late, he rings through. (Wow I don't think I remembered that my cell still has call waiting which I hate). Being the incredibly patient guy he is he tried to call both my cell and my home phone. We end up going out and hanging out after all, but I felt really bad about not calling him back much sooner.

I will say that I did enjoy Chutney's Grill on the Hill although I know now that 3 stars isn't enough stars for me. I'll try 4 the next time. :)


DD said...

I would have been out of there by 6:00. I have no patience.

Stephen said...

thanks for complimenting my patience, dear. I try pretty hard to be a yummy friend :)
The best friendships are those where you both feel apologetic *laff*

And thanks for going out ~ as usual, you totally saved me from the hell that was unemployment training.