I've been sitting on this bed for the last 1/2 hour or so playing with my sister's super huge tabby cat. Its name originally was Kitty but my father has changed it to Sweetums after the muppet.
(Right, that's Milton Berle on the left). Strangely enough, that is kind of what this cat looks like. It isn't especially fond of people but for some reason loves the bed I'm sleeping in right now. I think because the dog doesn't bother it in here and my niece sometimes doesn't see it so it is kind of left alone. We've been doing the string game thing with a piece of gold rick rack and somehow it is entertaining both of us. It is nice to do something that doesn't involve everyone else.
The little kid & I get along fairly well. Mostly because I'm playing the aunt role and spoiling the crap out of her. We've played more games of Scene it, Disney version and Connect 4 than I care to count. We discuss the strategy behind connect 4 a lot while we play it. I ask her to look at all the possible moves to think about what I may do in response. She seems to really be getting it. She beat my sister several times but she couldn't beat my dad. We also played Koosh paddle ball outside in the back yard.
Today was my mom's birthday and she got presents. She didn't even hate them which is a small miracle. My sis, the kid & I went to get manis and pedis. I now have purple toenails and kind of an iridescent yellow fingernails.
My sister and I took my mom to a psychic as well. I may have mentioned this before that she believes in them. I am ambivalent about them although I did once have a psychic tell me that I had the perception but I choose to ignore it. So the psychic said that one of us (my sister or I) will get pregnant in the next 2 years. Funnily enough my mother also chooses to believe that means a wedding will happen in that time frame. Apparently the psychic told her that both my sister and I will get married within the next 10 years I think. Oh and one of us will have an opportunity to open a business that will be lucrative. Does this mean I'm joining Michelle in the PYOP business?
Speaking of PYOP, (paint your own pottery), we all went and did that Monday afternoon. I got a kick out of it. And I liked their pricing much better than anywhere else I've been. Most places charge by the hour for paint time, but this place charges you for the piece (say 10 bucks) then charges you 1/2 the piece price for paint time and paint and all of it inclusive. And they're going to make sure we can pick them up Thursday morning. This time I made a butterfly windchime.
Tomorrow we are probably going to Tucson for shopping. That's what people in this town do, go to Tucson for our big shopping trips. Up until a few years ago there wasn't even a mall here. (and I use that term loosely. It is much better than the Bently Hall in Fairbanks, but cannot compare at all to a normal place.).
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