Monday, December 19, 2005

Yay the trip won't be so bad.

My sister has just made my trip to Arizona about 64.3% less anxiety inducing for me. She'll be there the whole week I'm going to be there. My mother was under the misguided impression that she had to work so would be in Phoenix that week. My sis doesn't so she'll be at the house. This makes me a tiny bit happier since I won't have to deal with my family on my own. I may be able to drag her out to a bar one night to entertain ourselves. :)


Kate the Peon said...

Yay for good news! My sister always talks about leaving the 'rents at like 2am for a Dennys run, but we're never awake then.

Jodi said...

That's awesome. Buffers are often needed when it comes to family.

Joanne said...

In this case always needed. They like her better. And my mom stalks me less when she's around. It is good for me. Maybe not for her, but for me. :)

Mind Sprite said...

Yeah for the family buffer!