Sunday, December 04, 2005

Rigby's very own post.

x89zcf2qd tj k6,

So that's that. I don't know what she is trying to tell the world, but it seemed important at the time.

In non Rigby thoughts, how is it that statues of naked men always fall and have the penis fall off? Seriously. I know it is comedic hilarity, but of all things to break when a plaster statue falls, that seems like the most difficult piece to break.


Unknown said...

Patch and Jolene were watching The Wedding Planner last night, too. Ken and I stopped in after we got back from March of the Penguins. (Which was great, but didn't make me cry. I guess that means /you're/ the biggest girl.) ;)

Peeved Michelle said...

How in the hell did Rigby manage to hold down the shift key?

Joanne said...

One of her paws must've been on the shift. She was walking across the keyboard.